注意观察如何保持身体平衡与内力传递:①左脚蹬撑不应局部用力,而是依靠全身松沉下的内力;②躯干转动必须以腰骶为轴,不可过度使用背脊或肩膀;③right hand must be led by the waist and spine, feeling like a rotating force that is difficult to resist; ④Right shoulder and arm should have a certain angle, allowing for circular expansion; ⑤Right hand must not lead or use force, but rather be passively moved by the waist and spine.
接着,我们进入了第二个动作——"right upper cloud pull". 躯干继续往右微移,同时由腰脊控制,以左胯为轴进行后弧形转动,使胸腹略朝向自己的右前侧方。同时,right hand moves from the abdomen to the left in an arc shape while being passively rotated inward. Left hand also moves in an arc shape while being passively rotated outward.
重要说明:①Sitting posture is essential;②The right turn of the body must be around the left hip, not around the waist or right hip;③The right shoulder and arm should maintain a certain angle to allow for circular expansion; ④Right hand should not lead or use force but be passively moved by the waist and spine; ⑤Left hand should move in an arc shape with passive rotation.
Correct: Right wrist remains along chest line during movement.
Incorrect: Right shoulder leads forward, breaking balance.
Correct: Right elbow does not enter own front projection zone.
Incorrect: Right elbow enters own front projection zone.
总结来说,cloud hands require precise control over every part of your body. The key is maintaining proper alignment of your shoulders, elbows, wrists and arms as you move through various arcs. This technique requires patience, practice and understanding of internal energy flow.