关于 八极拳 的来源流派,学术界有深入探讨,但我个人的了解有限,只能期待更多明确信息。
世间万物皆需劳动与思考,不断面对天地之困扰。在生前所拥有的条件有限,如果不通过后天努力补充先天,那么如何培养强健之躯,以应对世事难题?这便是 八極 拳存在的意义。这门艺术将健身与技击融合,使得练习者能够顺应自然,与身体精神并进,对内脏外躯进行全面锻炼,让各系统更加协调一致。不仅是一种技术,更是一种养生延年益寿的手段。
"Eight Extreme Fist" gets its name from the eight major techniques used in the art, with each technique being executed to its extreme. Practitioners must internalize eight intentions, externalize eight forms, and unleash power in eight directions. These intentions include shock, ferocity, brutality, and urgency; forms include dragon, tiger, bear, monkey, swan, dog and eagle; while directions refer to all sides.
To master this art one must first understand the three main parts of a movement: the initial intention (shen), the middle section (zhong) and the final completion (hou). Each part is vital for a balanced practice. The head represents leaves on a tree branch while feet represent roots.
The Eight Extreme Fist is often referred to as "Opening Door Fist," as it emphasizes using open doors to enter into combat or respond to situations. The human body is seen as an interconnected whole where inner movements reflect outer actions and vice versa. Proper breathing techniques are also emphasized through practices like inhaling chest expansion and exhaling chest contraction.
Practice of this martial art requires a clear understanding of main roles - mind as commander-in-chief controlling bodily movements; eyes acting as scouts gathering information from four sides; legs functioning like horses propelling forward; hands acting like infantrymen executing key moves. Eyes lead intentions while steps follow hand movements.
Without proper foundation in stance work ("standing horse"), practitioners risk losing balance or stability during execution of techniques due to unclear upper or lower sections within their movements. This emphasis on foundational training helps ensure that practitioners can effectively execute complex moves without injury or imbalance.
In essence Eight Extreme Fist focuses on single-step mastery with every move resembling riding a horse without any additional steps required for movement – no unnecessary action needed but rather fluid motion flows naturally through practice.