六、曰似拉锯式之榄雀尾棚捋挤按推手也有此理,一面稍欲变化则锯齿随处可以扎住,可以畅通无阻,或舍己从人顺其势,或彼微动己先动,此即彼欲用推力送来时我亦先之一拉力拉回;彼如以拉力拉去时我亦先之一推力送去,这真家传妙诀,也可见于太极拳中的推手上,有二意,一曰舍己从人顺其势,可得化劲与走劲之妙用;二 曰、彼微动己先动,可在对方施展之前预判并制约对方行动,使操纵在我而非在彼,其余又何论矣?
七、says I am not a wooden dummy: you why hang on me, this is the core of Taijiquan, it's all about soft and relaxed movement, never rigid or stiff.
八 says do not fall over: like the mythical "unmovable stone" with weight centered in one point, it's all about balance and stability.
九 says release power: there is a difference between strength and power; strength comes from bones while power comes from muscles. Power is flexible and has elasticity while strength is rigid and lacks elasticity. The key to releasing power is to let go like shooting an arrow.
Ten says move evenly: 平正均匀 means both balanced and stable as well as smooth flowing movements. This is the essence of Taijiquan.
Eleven says be sincere in your movements: if you're not sincere your movements will be fake. You must recognize the true nature of each movement so that they become real.
Twelve says use four ounces to deflect a thousand pounds: this refers to using minimal force but being able to overcome greater forces by understanding how energy works. It's about leading your opponent rather than following them, making them lose their balance before striking back with precision.
These are just some of the teachings passed down from Master Cheng to Master Man Qing, which he did not dare keep secret but wished for them to spread far and wide for others to learn from too