




练习者立咏春拳迎敌桩式(图1),前锋手化为勾拨状(意念拨开敌方来 palm),另一 hand 立 palm 击出,使双 hands 同时发劲达到 palms 根,同时身生侧马体重分配前三后七。在完成左 wing palm 时,将随之操练右 wing palm。这一 left 和 right 循环往复(图4, 图5)。注意:wing palms 的力应由向上向前爆发而出。

扑 wings 的实战作用

左方散打格斗式,与右方咏春拳迎 enemy 桩(图6)。左方以 Left Straight Punch 击向 Right , Right 方以摊里帘 Palm 消解(图7, 图8)。当 Left old force 已逝 New force 未生之际,用 Right 前 Hand 把 Left Straight Punch 勾开,再转马,用 Wing Palm 击打 Left Head (图9, 图10)。

三品 palms 的活用

所谓三品 palms 就是把撕 Palm (有人叫“礼 Palm”)、摊 Palm 和耕 Palm 联合起来使用,一带三,是训练咏春 fists 在应 enemy 中连 ring 防守及连续进攻的手段。撕 Palms、摊 Palms 及耕 Palms 在演练过程中酷似一个中文字符“品”字,所以咏春 fists 前辈把此招式定名为“Three Productivity Fists”。至于有人把 Three Crystal Fists 解释为品骨品筋品血之法,这可能是意外收获吧。

有 Fist Principle 云:“One Line Defining the Central Region, both sides forming a source of meeting.” Linked Rings and linked strings are connected in the upper and lower forces; Shrinking like a duck into an eggshell and stretching like a snake to run. The speed of issuing power is faster than chasing with hands.

1. Three Productivity Fists' practice method:

Practice by standing in the posture of "Two Characters Seizing Yang Horse" from Yung Chun Fist () and keeping the mind at Dantian level; lowering shoulders and gathering chest (Picture 13). First extend your fist as if grasping something (), aiming at striking the opponent's center line with your mind while maintaining distance about 20 cm from your body (Picture 14). After finishing this move, follow up with an open-hand strike (), where you should exert power at around one inch above the radial bone end on your forearm while returning elbows to their original position (Picture 15). Then transform into another open-hand strike for defense against incoming attacks below belly button level (Picture 16).

By practicing these three moves - extending fist, opening hand strikes - continuously interchange between left and right hands.

2. Real-life application of Three Productivity Fists:

(1) Open-Hand Strike Defense Practice: A partner practice involving two individuals facing each other using middle sunken hook punches alternately attacking each other while defending with open-handed strikes ().

3. Real-life demonstration of effectiveness:


标签: 武林资讯
