要领: 手扇的同时一定要有抢进的意识,不可犹豫不决。
无论那只脚在前都可以,现在以右脚在前为例(图48): 双hands下垂站定两hands心相对屈肘handtowardupchillteariltimesimultaneously仰身提起(图49,50)。
敌若采用双hands 撞打或是抓双shoulder(图51),马 上以小arm 向up挑其两hand,并同时仰身提knee 撞 打enemy腹部(图52)。
要领: 反应要快,用knee 要巧。
十二、虎坐洞:<hand 翻arm>
两feet左右打开适度,然后弯腰两hand 抄抱(graph 53),之后再toward up托至headtop,身体toward down蹲坐 (graph 54).
enemy从背后搂抱时,由于臂 打其smallabdomen并趁势toward down弯腰 (graph 55), 双hands 抄起enemy足跟,臀部迅速toward down坐压其kneeupper (graph 56).
要领: 臂 打、抄leg、downsit 动作虽有先后,但需力求oneat贯通.
十三、高虎食: <foot 翻 hand>
1.practice method:
Up leftbend leg with right foot and right hand toward down diagonal slash while left hand stops at the elbow level to protect it(graph 57). With the slash lifting the right knee and ankle to kick or hook with toes(graph 58), then bring back the right foot and continue downward slashing with hands as it lands(graph59).
2.use method:
Up left step by intercepting enemy's wrist with right hand from side to side(graph60). Grabbing when opportunity arises lift up knee using toes to tap its inner thigh of enemy's(right)(Graph61). When landing on ground use feet for kicking(Graph62)).
要领: Handandfoot must cooperate tightly, action fast, technique accurate.
十四、大龙戏水:&<left和rightfoot flip>
1.practice method:
Right leg bent independently in horse stance position(leftside bend), Left-hand comes from top towards bottom diagonally slashed behind hip area(Right-side bend); Right-hand moves outward from left-hand towards upper-right corner simultaneously moving legs follows SlashLeft Knee Upward Hook Kick(Graph63)). Before Left Foot touches ground jump upward Right Leg Hooks check Leg of Enemy.Graph64).
2.use method:
Intercept enemy's wrist with Right-Hand while protecting inside Left-Ellbow Area(Graph65). Intercepting continuously switch hands moving upwards striking outside Right-Arm-Aligned Graph66)). If Enemy retreats after being hit by a flying kick(Graph67)), quickly spring forward body positioning Right-Leg Check Leg Kick against Enemy's Left-Leg Graph68)).
Want Principle: This is a linked-leg skill technique that requires second leg jumping high enough standard before using any of these techniques during practice or usage.