









无论那只脚在前都可以,现在以右脚在前为例(图48): 双 hands 下垂站定两 hands 心相对屈肘 手 向 上 挑 至 耳际 右 膝 随 挑 手 向 后 仰 身 高 高 提 起(图49,50)。


敌若采用双 hands 撞打或是抓双 shoulders(图51),马上以小臂向 up 挑其两 hand,并同时仰身提膝撞打 enemy 腹部(图52)。


十二、虎坐洞:hand 翻臂


两 feet 左右打开适度,然后弯腰两 hand 抄抱(graph 53),之后再 toward 上托至头顶,全身低蹲(graph 54)。


enemy 从背后搂抱时,一开始先以 arm 打其小腹并趁势 toward 下弯腰 (graph55),双 hand 抄起 enemy 足跟,再臀部迅速 toward 下坐压其膝 top (Graph56)。

要领: arm 打、抄 legs 和 down 坐动作虽有先后,但应力求一气贯通。

十三、虎扑食: foot 翻 Hand


Left 弓步 Right Hand 斜劈到地面 Left Hand 停于 Right 肘下保护 (Graph57), 随着斜劈提 Right 膝崩足腕 Foot 尖点 out 或勾踢 (Graph58),Right Foot 前落步 Right Hand 随落步继续下劈 to 地面 (Graph59).


从 Left 步拦截 Enemy 的 wrist,Right Hand 在胸口保护 (Graph60), 握住时机提 Up Left Knee with toe 指针点击 Enemy 的 right 大腿内侧 when fall Down then immediate strike Neck area with downward slash of the Right Arm.

要领: Hands and Feet must be in sync, actions must be fast and accurate.

十四、二龙戏水: foot left-right flip

1.Learning method:

Right Leg bent independent stance,LeftHand from above downward chop at hip back,RightHand from outside of leftHand move upward to the right side,Bend leg follow Chop action kick left knee check leg.

Don't wait for leftFoot landing immediately jump over to kick right check leg ,RightHand follow kicking leg downward slash at hip back.LeftHand simultaneously from inside of rightArm move upward to the left side too high above forehead and random head toss look up at moving rightHand.

2.Usage method:

Outwardly grab or deflect enemy's wrist with bothHands as if they were a pair of scissors,following that use footwork and kicks in a flowing manner like a dragon playing in water,a technique that is fluid and dynamic.

Wanting to capture an opponent's ankle while their other foot is lifted or attempting to retreat by stepping backward,knee lift will cause them pain on one side so it is not advisable for them.

十五.,金鸡抖翎 : soft flip hard

1.Learning method:

Squatting horse stance bothHands below waist level then upper body moves forward either shoulder rises while other falls continuously faster until end point shown on graph69&70.

2.Usage method:

When an attacker comes from behind aiming for your neck or throat first raise your arms upwards so that they are horizontal just about touching ears bend knees slightly then extend legs outward as far as possible without losing balance this causes pressure on the attackers face which makes it difficult for him/her to breathe thus giving you time to counterattack effectively using any appropriate means available such as grabbing hair pulling ear biting nose etcetera.

The final result should have more than 1000 words

标签: 武林人物
