




中線沖拳__根據中線原理(子午線即指出手占胸位垂直線,這是詠春拳攻防的核心應用極廣在手法和樁法上佔有極重要位置),要求習者一定要守住這個核心使對手的攻防動作只能在週邊(裏簾必爭)。李小龍獨創的截拳道常用的直拳,即詠春拳中的日字拳。例如,用直線攻擊自己鼻前目標時(鼻子爲身體中線),出拳並非由肩而發,而是三停應手地由身體中線沖出,出拳前手腕向內微轉,並在衝擊瞬間向內轉正,以增加出 punches 的勁力。我們可以看得出李小龍在詠春 fists 的學習上已經進入很高深的境界。

耕攔攤膀__的手部運動要求上不過眼下不過襠左右不過肩,使得 out hand 快 in hand 更快起 到變化莫測搏擊攻防作用同時可使 to form with the elbow as the central axis of the arm can rotate at any angle producing infinite power. The position of the elbow must be kept at a distance from the body (i.e., inwardly leaving it in middle) so as to enhance the bottom strength and increase close combat's attacking force.

黏摸蕩捋__這是本 fists 特有的利用 hands "聽" 勁的特點,“明動靜知歸去知有無知進退”就是一種 hands 和 arms' skin sensation and psychological training, through training to achieve being able to "聽" out opponent's issued strength. Because 黏摸蕩捋 in sticking is not a fighting method but a way to cultivate arm sensitivity and balance directional feeling, practicing this law not only allows one to discern and "hear" out opponents' intentions and actions but also more importantly develops force through sticky bridge hand, continually enhancing force sense ("listen" into big brain).

推託拉按__是在以橋 hands 基礎的手部感覺“聽”對方僵硬之處,或托或按來拿失對 hand (make opponent lose balance). This requires practitioners include chest deep belly down low abdomen breathe stable like Tai Shan legs open knee steady feet stand firm step quick steady push or pull swift accurate grab fast then get its secret.

标签: 中国有哪些武术门派三个字古风诗意帮派名古风雅致的公会名字游戏帮派名字大全诗意六大门派武功绝学
