上动不停,两手下落至两大腿外侧;然后两腿由屈到伸,两手上下分开,右 sword 指收于右胯外侧,上持 sword 置于左胸前,目视左 hand。(图 11,12,13,14)
双腿直立与双 hands 前后分开同时进行。
前 stretch 是以 sword 首向前 stretch 出,此招有攻击对方之意。
一丁步 sword 指:
接以上式,一 leg 弯曲,对 swords 从 left hand 下方 stretch 出,以顺时针划弧,从身体右侧提起置于身体右侧。随后身体轻微转体180度,同时抬起 right foot 成“left ding step”,并保持 close proximity to the body; 右 foot 在 front 上略微迈出,与 left foot 相隔半步,但脚尖仍然触地,而脚跟则被提离地面。同时,将 both hands 分别绘制一个圆形,并将 left hand 持着的 sword 放置在背后,而将 right hand 的 swords 提高并对准目标。眼睛看着 right hand。(图 2 - 5)
双 feet 的每一步都应自然而然,每个圆形都需协调一致。
sword 指中指和食指相互连接而成的姿态,其余三根 fingers 蹲低,在无名指和小指第一节处用力夹紧拇指。此招有攻击对方的意图。
虚步穿 swords:
继续动作,不断转身180度形成“left virtual step”,right hand 接 Swords 而 left 手变化为挑起 posture,将 arms 展示在腹部正中央,然后反握 Swords 并通过其锋利部分从正面斜射出去,如同云雀飞跃山峦一般。在整个过程中持续注视 Sword 尖端。(图 2 - 8)
接 Swords 要准确,无论是挑起还是穿 Swords,都必须同步进行。
这个动作表现了如何利用 Sword 来刺击敌人的咽喉区域,使得敌人难以躲避或防御此类攻势。此招中的 “穿 Swords” 动作是一种特殊技巧,它要求 Sword 手掌方向从内往外做出一个弧线状,以达到穿透效果。
接着之前的练习,将 Left Foot 向前往半步形成“Left arching step”。Right Hand 持 Swords 转圈圈样挥舞(平圆旋 Blades),随后调整重心回到原位,让 legs 弯曲成“Left half horse stance”。Right Hand 将 Blades 拉回并水平放在 chest 前部,再加强腰带力量使 Blades 和 Body 之间产生一种张力感。这时 Left Hand 持 Swords 竖直向前的姿势,对抗 Right Hand 的拉劲,这就像是在控制马匹不让它奔跑一样。(Figure 3 - 4)
[Key points]
During the rotation of the blade, lean forward with your upper body; when pulling back the blade, use waist strength.
The rotation of the blade is a circular motion that starts from in front of the chest and moves clockwise around the body before returning to its original position. The grip should be firm but not too tight, allowing for maximum control over the weapon. This technique has been designed to deflect or parry incoming attacks while also preparing for a counterattack.
回身扫 Blades:
Continue practicing by turning your body around so that it's facing directly opposite to where you were previously standing. Your Right Leg bends into an "arched stance", while your Left Hand holds up a pointing pose starting from bottom-left then moving upwards and downwards in an arc shape across your inner arm space as you hold up your Right Arm horizontally above shoulder level and look down at its tip (Figures: [insert figures here]).
[Key Points]
The sweeping motion should cover a wide range of motion while keeping all movements coordinated.
This move involves holding up one's weapon in such a way that it appears as if they are going to attack their opponent's arm or some other object nearby with great force.
仰身抹 Blades:
Maintaining momentum without pause, turn your entire body around by another full circle until facing back towards where you started from earlier on this sequence. As this happens raise Right Hand upwards making sure it crosses over Left Arm just like drawing out water from well (Figure: [insert figure here]). At this point gently tilt head backwards slightly so eyes can see along length of Blade edge ((Image number)…).
[Key Points]
Keep rotating without losing any energy during these actions.