








器名单刀,以双手用刀也,其技擅自倭奴锻炼精坚制度轻利靶鞘等物各各如法非他方之刀可并且善磨整光耀射目令人心寒其用法左右跳跃奇诈诡秘人莫能测故长技每每常败于刀余故访求其法有浙师刘云峰者得倭之真传不吝授余颇尽壶奥时南北皆闻毫州郭五刀名后亲访之然较之刘则刘之妙又胜于郭多矣恨元受刘刀有势有法而无名今依势取像拟其名使习者易于记忆其用法亦惟以身法为要儇跳超距眼疾手捷诱而击 之惊而取 之心手俱化胆识不乱方可言妙今将入弩兼用亦惟选数势绘图直述其理可以与枪敌者若遇他器此圆转锋利制胜又在我矣


古云快马轻刀今以倭刀为式刀三尺八寸靶一尺二寸则长有五尺如执轻刀一言制不得 法铁不炼钢轻则侥薄砍下一 刀 刀口偏歪 一边焉能杀人 如要坚硬 则 剑 必 厚 厚必重 非 有力 者不能 用 也 故 制 法 惟 以 刀 背 要 厚 自 下 至 尖 渐 渐 薄 去 两 旁 脊 线 要 高 起 刀 口 要 薄 此 即 轻 重 得 宜 也 铁 要 久 炼去渣屎 磨 时 无 麻 子 小 点 如 镜 一样 光彩 焉 遇 潮 汗 亦 不 致 上 锈 乃 铁 多 炼 少 是 久 炼 成 钢 也

你我拔 sword 势:

此因 sword 长遇急时难以 out of sheath 故以本阵中 use sword 者,你 pull my sword I pull your sword 而 use。

pull out of sheath 势:

左 hand hold sheath right hand阳 hold sword target先 pull out a little again use palm to hold back of the blade out from sheath mouth with left hand hold target again exchange right hand together hold blade and target cut kill.

bury head 势:

开 left side door body toward enemy decoy his gun into with the blade horizontally block gun slanting step to the right switch left hand together hold target listen and cut kill.

enter hole 势:

同 open left side door side body put empty decoy his gun into then push up his gun from below enter right step single handedly raise up from below slash upward.

single raise 势:

first either stand bury head or enter hole decoy his gun into I lift up horizontally opening his gun slanting step to the right single handedly lift up one stroke.

waist cut力建立:

first single handedly raise a stroke force already returned to left, single handedly return horizontal waist cut one stroke.

right independent力建立:

open right side door he guns into then push away his gun with the blade slanting step forward become left independent listen and cut kill.

left independent力建立:

open left side door he guns into then push away his glove with the blade slanting step forward become right independent listen and cut kill.

outside look力建立:

open right side door he guns not in place so push away his glove with the blade outside look around progress on foot turn back jump forward again progress on foot rely on one stroke after that turn round once more advance.

标签: 武林资讯
