




练习者立咏春拳迎敌桩式(图1),前锋手化为勾拨状(意念拨开敌方来 palm),

另一手立 palm 出去到面部(图2, 图3)。

要求双 hands 同时发劲,最好能把对方 palm 抓住,同时身生侧马体重分配为前三后七。在完成左 wing 的时候,还要准备右 wing 的同时操练。

这样一 left 和 right 循环往复(图4, 图5)。

注意:wing 应该是向上向前的爆发,而不是平面上的冲撞。

扑 wings 的实战作用

左方散打格斗式右方咏春拳迎 enemy 桩 (图6)。

左方以 left straight punch 击向右方,

右方以 shovel hook 消解 (图7, 图8)。

当 left force 已逝新力未生的瞬间,

Right hand 把 Left hand 的 punch 勾开,并乘势转马,用 wing attack 打 Left head (图9, 图10).

Left again attacks Right with a straight punch,

Right responds with a Wing Punch to neutralize and counterattack,

striking Left's neck area (Figure 11-12).

二、三品 palms

所谓 "Three Products" is the combination of Pushing Palm, Spreading Palm and Cultivating Palm.

Pushing Palm resembles the Chinese character for "product," while Spreading Palm and Cultivating Palm are like two other parts of the character.

The Three Products resemble a net that traps one's opponent,

while it is like fighting a rooster or playing chess.

It is not just about empty moves; there must be real power behind them.

Practice of Three Products

When practicing this move in Kahns Spring Fist,

one must first practice the stance called "Two Character Seizing Yang Horses,"

where one sinks their qi into their lower abdomen and bends their knees slightly.

Next comes Pushing Palms outwards from both sides at shoulder level,

then followed by Spreading Palms towards the front but slightly sideways from each arm's wrist bone end point;

and finally Cultivating Palms to protect against incoming attacks below.

Thus continues pushing palms, spreading palms and cultivating palms in sequence on both sides alternately.

Training Opponents

a) Training opponents using Spread Palms:

b) Continuous training: The two partners face each other,

the right partner takes turns attacking with high horse kick or low horse kick towards the left partner;

the left partner uses push palmer spreaerder cultivate palmer to defend against these attacks.



Real Fight Demonstration


标签: 武林资讯
