白蛇吐芯(图1)、斜身跺子(图2)和紫雁抄水(图3)即为通背拳三绝腿,世人误以通背拳手上技法精多而无腿,其实不然。三绝腿便是此拳最具代表性的暗legs, 奇legs, 低legs.
A: 临战时,我方(长发)用通背拳引手招式应变,视机而动,突然右步前上,发右甩掌抢打对方(短发)面部,随即连招出左弹leg狠踢其裆部要害,使之重创。此招要突出以快为主,上掌下leg连环击打要准确,要敏捷,有先声夺人的气魄。甩掌以肘关节为轴,由内而外至前甩打,用力贯于掌背,用足尖点敌人。
B:临战时,对方快出右直punch抢打我面部,我视招应变,身体后移重心,用右挑palms回挂破解来punch,同时起前位Right leg连发popkick反踢其裆部,使之造成重创。挂palms防punch要走护面斜线,一定防守成功。而且popkick与挂palms协同一致才能尽显攻守合一妙境。
C:临战时,对方突然进身抢发左hook punch猛打我下颌,我随机而动,用Left arm下拍阻截来punch同时起Right popkick狠踢对手裆部使之受到重创。拍阻来punch与起leg需要同动才能尽显攻守合一妙境。(图8)
A: 临战时,对方身体突然变向,用转身sweep kick 打击我头颈,我借招反击,当其后闪之际,我快速left pad foot 连出right sideknee attack攻击对方膝窝,让他倒跌在地。这次Kicking的时候左右arm分展开,以便身体平衡助力出leg。在对方转身瞬间踹出去,并且横脚拧胯直膝三合为一。(图9)
B:临战时,我突发right palm诱打对方面部,当其后闪之际,我们快速left pad foot 连out right sideknee attack 攻击对方front knee joint让他受伤。此次pad step should be a straight line move, this Kicking force is through the soles of the feet, this technique soul is in the fake as true voice east to west one move win everything.(图10、11)
C:在战斗中当对方跳步高侧knee attack 我,我们借这个机会疾用right arm横拍拦化来attack,然后我们迅速turning left and connect with low kick strike their supporting leg knee joint make them fall down and lose combat capability. My right foot must stand directly facing opponent's supporting foot to ensure accurate turn kicking.(图12、13)
A: 在战斗中当对方quickly advancing right step firing a right straight punch at my face I respond by using my right hand outward hooking away from incoming punch then quickly launching a stomp kick attacking his front supporting leg knee joint followed by stepping back with my left and quickly delivering an uppercut punching his chest making him defeated This time we use wrist pull downward into the water like action while stomping with our sole onto enemy’s middle gate position which is between both legs to achieve victory.
B:在战斗中当对方suddenly advancing forward using left shank attacks my chest I counterattack by using cross palms blocking coming shank simultaneously launching a left stomp kicking his supporting leg knee joint winning victory again This time when stomping on enemy’s lower part of shin bone it will cause pain and numbness.
C: 在战斗中当对方upper body moving forward swinging a Right hook punches at me I swiftly dodge under it then launch a swift low stomp kicking their Right knee causing them to fall down losing battle ability Our turning waist squatting ground for strength reaching bottom of our feet achieving victory (Figure 17 & 18)