齐眉棍,又称门旗棍,是洪拳拳系中古老而著名的棍法。因棍之长度与练习者眉齐,故名。又因它身兼劈、扎、拦、砸、云、挑、格、挂、抡、扫、戳、崩、绞点拨插转滚扣横分击架托等二十四法,故又有“二十四棍”之称它以顺势持棍调把换势梢把兼用长短兼施刚柔相济而著称,更有灵猛泼辣密集如雨气势恢弘的演练风格此棍可单练又可对练本拳门人常因不会此棍而不被认作传人更有拳种武师因得不到此棍而引以为憾本地又流传有“西关的梢子东关的棍”,东关棍即指此 棋。
两足并步站立两臂下垂右手握 棒左手附于大腿外侧目视前方(图1图2)。
要点: 手成阴把 翻盖灵活有力 滑把要迅速 步法配合到位。
用法:为此 棒梢把兼用的典型技法之一 一头拨打 一头翻盖 轮番攻击 灵活自如。
RightStep迈步成Right弓步同时两HandsHoldingRodHandHeartTowardInwardDownTurnedButtByLeftToRightScanning RodTip (图7)。
要点: 弓Step蹬直 双HandsHoldingRod灵活 拦Scan要有力。
用法:承 上式 接 翻Gai 再 拦Scan重创敌人。
RightStep不动 以LeftLegLiftingKnee 成Independent Step;同时TwoHandsSinkingButtHoldRodFrom RightTo LeftLowerSidePushing (图8)。
要Point: Independent Leg略屈 Push Rod轻灵.
Use Method: Enemy holds weapon toward me down pan scan, I lift leg simultaneously use rod to block outside.
LeftStepForwardMaiStance LeftArmsRound; simultaneously TwoHandsHoldingRodDownTurnedButtByUnderAndUpwardThenForwardFlipGai (Graph 9).
要Point: Split Rod two hands slide to back out butt end.
Use Method: after the previous move, intercept opponent's weapon then quickly step forward flip Gai.
①Center of gravity shift right leg into a right stance; at the same time, both hands hold rod down turned butt hit from the right side. (Figure 10)
②Center of gravity shifts left leg into a left stance; at the same time, both hands hold rod with left tip hits from the left side. (Figure 11)
Want Point: when hitting to two sides with tips first slide butts out ends.
Use Method: enemy holds weapon and attacks me, I quickly advance and hit his abdomen.
Action Want Point & Use Method as No.3.
Action Want Point & Use Method as No.4
①Above Right Step becomes a right stance; simultaneously both hands hold rod with right tip sweep from right to left. (Figure 14)
②Above Left Step becomes a left stance; simultaneously both hands hold rod with left tip sweep from left to right. (Figure 15)
Want Point: Bow Stance straighten feet sweeping rods have force.
Use Method: enemy holds weapon and attacks me, I advance step forward sweeping his abdomen.
Above Right Step foot points ground virtual step; meanwhile Left Hand brings up rod by hiding in armpit then Right Hand swings over front with butt end strikes down towards armpit area on bodyfrontside strikeout punch downwards below shoulder level before switching hand positions for next attack stroke action.(Picture16)
Want Points:
Virtual steps center of gravity is behind.
Slide butts for flexible actions while striking powerfully.
Use Methods:
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