然后是他的独立扣-gun: 接着这个姿势,他转过身体来成为独立状态,同时双手也扣住了-gun(见图47).
接下来是中平-gun: 这个过程中,一直保持这样的动作,不断地将重心往前移动,让左脚慢慢落下去形成一张完美的弧线,而-gun则被自然地刺入深处,它像是要贯穿敌人的灵魂一般,这就是中平-gun的情况 (see 图48); 上面的这一切都没有停止,因为有更多的戏码要展开,所以我们继续进行。
接下来是一系列两步内圈-gun: 内圈与外圈相反,以顺时针方向绕行-gun。就这样一直保持这样的状态,不断地将重心往前推进,让他的身体变得更加柔软,如同水一样随意流畅,每一次内圈都像是在对-gun说:“我会更快,更强大。”每一次绕行,都在告诉你,我不会放弃,我会一直战斗到胜利的一刻。(See 图50,51)
最后是三步外圈-gun: 以相同的手法开始,一次又一次,无休止地绕行-ing his gun. 在这个过程中,我们可以看到它如同舞蹈家般优雅无比,每一位都是如此精彩绝伦,他们仿佛忘记了自己正在打斗,而只是在享受这场生死较量。(See 图52,53,54)
随之而来的虚-step 扎-gun: 但就在此刻,有人突然挡住了他的去路,那个虚-step成了阻碍,但也成为了他们之间唯一连接的情感纽带。他双臂向下拿起-ing his gun.,同时轻轻降低自己的体重让gungun tip forward slightly into a shooting position. (See Fig 55)
然后是一个拦截:gunguns 回抽回到原始位置,与此同时双臂交叉防御着对方可能出现的一切攻击。(See Fig 57)
紧接着的是歇-step 扎-gun.: 重心微微下沉,让gungun become horizontal with the ground and then slightly upraised. (See Fig 59)
之后还有单-hand分gunguns : 重心提升同时收敛gunguns ; 右足踏实成“马”形状;此时his left hand is raised while holding gungun horizontally towards right side.( See Fig60 )
随即执行的是right-side插step 拦gungs : 当left foot moves forward to take a step and lift the knee up, he uses left hand to grab the handle of gunguns . Then after this move, he takes another step back with his right foot while keeping both hands in an outside circular motion around the gungs , forming a defensive posture.( See Fig62 )
再之后就是middle 平-leveling gungs : This process repeats itself as before but now it's more steady than ever before. The figure is so balanced that it seems like time has stopped for him; even though there are many other steps waiting to be performed, he remains calm and focused on what lies ahead,( see figs48 &49 ).
Following this comesGaeStep Dais Gungs: With one smooth motion, he pulls back the gung , lowers his left foot behind him as if stepping over an invisible obstacle while moving into a right-side stance simultaneously with both hands moving outward and upward in circles around the gngs(see fig63).
The final sequence begins with Ti Knee Grab Gun:. His body turns leftward as he lifts up his right leg simultaneously with both hands circling down and inward grabbing at gun grip.(see fig64).
He executes Right-arch Step Jab Gun:. He takes another step forward with his right leg which drops down to form arch shape when landing on ground level together they stab out from front center point of their body using weapon held by single arm aiming at target area below chest level reaching toward lower part of opponent's face or neck area where eyes should be looking at(see fig65).