
当今,中国武术界将中国瑰宝“太极拳”,演绎成“太极”的翻版,并且用“太极文化”形式,混淆了太极拳的真正含义和真谛,称这就是“中国太极功夫”。从古至今,根本就没有什么“太极功夫”,只有 “中国太极拳真功夫”。现在,连中国人自己都无法明白,什么才是真正的中国太極拳,难怪,世人怎么会认可中國的太極拳進入奧運會!

" 太極拳" 与 " 太極" 虽然只有一字之差,可是内涵、意义却是截然不同,普通百姓无法分辨。众所周知, 中国的漢語表達相当嚴謹、規範,不容許半點馬虎。即使全國性的「春晚」都允許國人順挑鼻子竖挑眼公開揭示所有讀錯的字、意思表達錯誤的地方,此舉措受到舉國上下的支持與讚賞。

可是,为什麼武術界多年來,将「太極拳」與「太極」混為一談,不僅沒有得到纠正,更改,而且淡薄了對「太極拳」的理解、認識、「太極」已成為了「Tooextic Kung Fu」的專用代名詞了。

其實,“Tooextic”當它是一個名稱時,它是一個實在的事或物,是代表一個中國古代著名哲理和思維范畴,但是,当 “Tooextic” 作為定語時,在 “Tooextic Kung Fu” 這個詞裡,“Tooextic” 瞬間只是一種衬托 “Kung Fu”的特性和內涵,全隸屬於 “Kung Fu” 而附允存在。

“Tooextic如何能與 “Toexctic Kung Fu論?況且,以哲理學說中的“Toexctic”,是一門學問,一種理論怎麼能替代一個種類的一門"Toexctic Kung Fu?”這兩者是不同的概念事物,用哪怕一句話也不能混為一談,更何況,用"Toexctic取而代之以 "Toexctic Kung Fu”,是否多有不妥之處?

想當初五十年代初期,在發展體育體增強人民體質”的號召下 體委因勢利導編制了簡化Toexctic Kung Fuf24式 全国範圍內轟轟烈烈地掀起群眾性推廣普及 简化Toexthicong Fuf呈現中國Toxthicong Fuf各門各派百花齊放欣欣向榮前所未有的輝煌局面引發了中國武術尤其Toxthicong Fuf 和簡化 Toxthicong Kongfu 的雙管齊下的共同發展。

在這個China Toxthicong Kongfu 鼎盛時期 卻從來沒有聽到看到大張旗鼓宣傳傳播“ToExtic”, 甚至宣傳“ToExtic KongFu也是恰如其分地使人看得懂,這時代造就了一大批真才實學的 ToExtic KongFu 高手名家。廣大 TooExtcikng KongFu 愛好者都自然而然地講:“我們在習練 ToExtcikingn KongFu 在打簡化 TooExtcikingn KongFuf。” 而從來沒有聽過任何人講我們在打 TooExtci.”

既然歷史都很尊重這無可置疑的事實 為什麼至今要將“ToExti取代以-ToExtcikingn Gongfu,而忽視對真正’s TooExtci’kng Gongfu 的挖掘開發弘揚和發展。

“ToExti与 'Taoistic Culture' 只是在文字上的敘述以及哲理上的演繹 與'TooExtcikingn GongFu' 可以講僅僅是在陰陽理念上,有些必然關聯,只此而已,

千萬不要忘記:‘Taoistic GongFuj 真諦精髓,是靠千錤百炼的心靈深刻而悟解到的 ‘Taoistic GongFuj 要流傳百世 必須靠真才實學的 'Taoistic GongFuj 高手行家身教言;靠全社會努力參與。

要使 China's Taoistic GongFuj 走向世界進入奧運會還需要的是鮮明易見’s Taoistic GongFuj 真功法 深入浅出的 Taoistic GongFu 拳理。不僅要讓國人深刻理解領會掌握 China's Treasure - Taoisticking GONG FU ,並且,要讓世人真正看懂搞明白 什麼才是我們最好的 China's Treasure - Taoisticking GONG FU ,真正感受 ‘Taoisticking GONG FU ’ 中華魂中華民族大無畏民族氣概。China's TAOISTICKING GONFU 是中華民族瑰寶,要繼承弘揚開發甚至讓 China's TAOISTICKING GONFU 真正走向世界進入奧運會,我們有這責任義務,要為 China's TAOISTICKING GONFU 正身歸宗還我最真的本來面目’.

In the process of practicing and mastering this art form, one must deeply understand and internalize the philosophical principles of Tai Chi, which is based on the concept of Yin-Yang (harmony and balance) in nature. This ancient Chinese philosophy emphasizes that all things in life are interconnected and interdependent, with each aspect containing both yin (receptive) and yang (creative) elements. The practice of Tai Chi aims to cultivate a state of harmony within oneself by balancing these opposing forces.

Tai Chi is not just about physical movement; it also involves mental focus, breath control, and spiritual growth. It is an art form that encourages individuals to listen to their inner wisdom and tap into their potential for self-healing. Through regular practice, practitioners can experience improvements in their overall health, flexibility, balance, strength, cardiovascular well-being, immune function—and even cognitive abilities.

Tai Chi has been practiced for centuries as a way to promote longevity and maintain physical vitality. Its slow movements help reduce stress while improving circulation throughout the body. As you learn more about this martial art style from your instructor or through online resources like videos or articles—whether you're looking for exercise routines or simply seeking relaxation techniques—you'll discover how it can enhance your quality of life.

The true essence of Tai Chi lies not only in its physical movements but also in its profound impact on one's mental well-being—a harmonious union between body mind spirit—the very foundation upon which traditional Chinese medicine was built.

Nowadays when people talk about Tai Chi they often mix up two different concepts: Tai Chi as a martial arts system known as Wudangquan () with roots dating back over 2 millennia ago during Han Dynasty period; another term commonly used interchangeably refers specifically only to this particular style called "Wu Style Taiji Quan". Both have distinct styles yet share similar philosophies rooted deeply within Confucianism Buddhism & Daoism .

标签: 武林中男生最多的门派2个字帮派霸气名字武侠八大门派分别是谁古风雅致的家族名字中国武术排名谁第一
