接着这个姿势,将身体转向另一侧,让两腿屈膝形成虚步姿态。此时,将left punch改为palm,并从right arm处伸出;同时,left foot再次迈出去至半步距离,与地面轻轻接触,而right leg则紧随其后,也做同样的动作,使得重心均匀分布在两腿之间。然后,从left small bone部位穿过并将palm心朝向左右方向,以五指张开置于上方;此时,left hand变成了hook shape,并顺着肩部平行伸展出来。头顶项竖闭口扣齿,同时眼望直对right palm所在位置,如图17所示。
基于以上姿势,将身体逐渐前进,一脚迈出至半步距离以形成弓形状的pose,同时让right leg挺直成另一个弓形状。此时,从left side移往right side进行运转,然后继续沿原路径走回去,这样做可以使palms交叉并且保持水平状态,以palms facing down和五指朝left direction延伸。最后,right palm收回到胸前护卫胸膛区域,并且肘部贴近胸口保护它。这是一个整体呈现斜线型结构的练习,如图18所示。
要点:这是一种退而不败之策,用以蓄力准备未来攻击。在练习中,要确保leg forms a straight line from heel to head and right leg should be held high.
紧接着这个pose,将身体迅速旋转至另一侧,让left leg成为直立状态,而right leg则屈膝成为新的弓形状。当进行旋转的一瞬间,从chest area起飞往backwards劈去的手臂应该笔直并且掌心朝着left direction,以及虎口倾斜至下方。一边旋转body while chopping downwards with the right palm,一边将hooked left hand transform into a palmar shape that presses down towards the crotch area for protection. Head should be held high, neck straight, mouth closed with teeth lightly pressed together, and gaze fixed on the path ahead as shown in figure 19.
要点:这是在背后快速切割的时候快捷行动要求明显;同时需要注意的是,当leg bends at a 90-degree angle to the ground that its knee shouldn't extend beyond toes' tip.
接续之前的姿势,由原来position掉换一步到更远一些的地方,让the right foot step back slightly so it's no longer aligned with left foot; meanwhile, turning body around so right hand is above head level, forming an arc motion from left to right until it reaches top of head; then stop there. The wrist face outward and fingers point towards left. Right forearm points downwards. After completing this move, switch feet by stepping forward with the left foot past the position of your previous stance and land softly on both legs simultaneously while transitioning into horse riding pose (as seen in last issue's picture 10).
要点: This technique requires quick turns during rotation followed by simultaneous upper body movements designed to entangle hands like ropes or vines while generating explosive power throughout one's entire body. Arms must exude forceful energy when interlocking their positions.
Next step involves retracting left foot backwards but keeping it bent into an arch-like pose; meanwhile keep right foot stationary while using its heel to rotate clockwise until sole faces forward again during turn-around process. As you do this simultaneously lower your raised Left Palm onto your kneecap below chest level (like bending over) whilst keeping Right Palm still positioned above forehead about an inch away from eyes (gaze directed toward shoulder). Figure 20 illustrates this action sequence effectively.
要点: This movement demands swift rotation combined with synchronised lowering of hands across bodies before bringing them back up again without losing momentum within each limb’s range-of-motion control needed here as they come closer together before splitting apart once more just after finishing circular motion under eyebrows edge which will make circle around face moving upwards along eye brows edge but ending up at front facial region...