





练习方法:无论那只脚在前都可以,现在以右脚在前为例(图48):双hands 下垂站定两hands 心相对屈肘hands 向上挑至耳际Right 膝随挑hand 向后仰身高高提起(图49、50)。

使用方法:敌若采用双hands 撞打或是抓双shoulder(图51),马上以小arm 向up 挑其两hand,并同时仰身提knee 撞打enemy 腹部(图52)。

要领:反应要快,用knee 要巧。

十二、虎坐洞:<hand 翻arm>


两foot 左right 打开适度,然后弯waist 两hand 抄抱(Graph53),之后再toward 上托至head 部分身体down 坐蹲 (Graph54).


敌人从背后搂抱时, 马先以Arm 打其small belly 并趁势toward 下弯waist 双Hands 抄起Enemy foot followed, waist down 坐压 Enemy knee up (Graph56).

要领: Arm 打, 抄leg , down 坐动作虽有先后,但要求力求one气贯通.

十三、虎扑食:<foot 翻Hand>


Left 弓步 Right Hand 斜劈到 Right Shoulder UnderLeft Hand 停于 Right Elbow Down 作保护 (Graph57), 随劈 提Right Knee Crouch Ankle with Toe Tip Out or Hook Kick (Graph58), Right Foot Forward StepDown, Right Hand Follow StepDown Continue Downward Slice (Graph59).


Up Left Step with Right Hand to the right intercept enemy wrist, Left Hand in front of chest act as protection (Graph60), Grab at the time liftRight Knee with toe tip click Inner Side of enemy's right thigh when landing step then hand slice neck area of enemy by moving upward and outward from left side of right hand.

要领: Hands and Feet must be tightly coordinated, actions are fast and precise for both hands and legs techniques.


Practice Method:

Bend leg independently on one side; bring other arm over head towards the opposite shoulder; lift knee towards that direction to kick an opponent's leg while bringing upper arm across body towards forehead; immediately jump into air to kick opponent's other leg while performing a simultaneous uppercut punch.

Practice method: Move arms in a circular motion around head without touching it while keeping legs bent.

15., 金鸡抖翎:

Squat on one foot with knees bent slightly

Hold hands in front

Slightly tilt shoulders up and down quickly

Usage Method:

If attacked from behind by grabbing your neck or back

Immediately use soft flip hard technique


标签: 好听的帮会名字诗意唯美古风帮派名字武林门派有哪些什么风格武林有几个门派杀手组织名称古风
