
一、太极拳是一种旨在锻炼意志的运动形式。其核心理念是先静下心来,再让意念引导身体动作。这一原则贯穿整个练习过程。在这个姿势中,全身的要求与太极拳中的无极桩相同,双脚平行于肩同宽,肩部和膝盖与脚后跟形成一条直线,但手臂自然垂下,两肩后部保持平展并微微沉降,同时向外拉开。 palms facing each other at a diagonal, with an inward gaze and natural breathing. The mind should be focused on releasing all tension in the body, maintaining this posture for 10 to 15 minutes.


Building upon the previous pose, raise both arms slowly overhead until they reach the top of your head. Avoid using force; instead, use your waist to bend downward while allowing your arms to naturally drop back down. Keep your eyes level with the horizon as you form a 90-degree angle between your spine and legs, tilting your head back so that it aligns with the seventh cervical vertebra (大椎) and first lumbar vertebra (尾闾). Use only your waist to generate movement as you swing both arms forward and backward or from side to side twenty times each. Be cautious not to tense up any other part of your body, especially not your shoulders.


Stand with feet spread apart slightly wider than shoulder-width apart while keeping them straight. Hinge at the waist while attempting to make the spine vertical against gravity's pull. Keep an open jaw and relaxed neck muscles as you imagine a line connecting big toe (大椎) and coccyx (尾闾), parallel to the ground floor below.

Begin by rotating right shoulder joint clockwise five times around its axis followed by counterclockwise rotations initiated from left shoulder joint for five repetitions more.


Stand equally spaced apart from each other like two pillars of stone,

Standing in an upright stance similar but simultaneously swaying both hands leftward then rightward,


Two legs are positioned somewhat narrower than shoulders wide,


The lower abdomen is tucked in


Rotate around midsection while extending one arm fully


Punching oneself lightly on opposite shoulder


Repeat sequence alternating sides

标签: 自己学功夫的方法48式太极拳全套视频带口令武术基本拳一步一步教武功秘籍好听的武功心法名称
