




左手伏抓变为护手放于体前,右手搂抓变为膀手,由左 桩 手上侧膀其右 桩 手,右脚圈步进马落其Right 框 身,同时膀Hands 变为 摊 Hands 摊Its Right 框 Hands 外侧, Left Hand 护Hand 变 为 横 Palm 横 Its 框 身 (图4, 图5)。

要点:摊Hands 与 圈Steps 进 马 要 协调 一致,不可脱节,可借助 圈Steps 进 马 提高 向 前 冲 撞 之 力 度。

Left Foot 圈Step 进 马 落 于 框 身 左 边 时, 双Hands 交 剪 , Right Clamping Hands 变 为 摊 Hands 摊 Its Left Frame Hand 外 边 , Left Frame Hand 变 为 横 Palm 横 Its Frame Body.

要点:退 Step 不可直接把腿拉过,要与进 Step 路线保持一致。

双Hands 同时 上 提 下 抹双Frame Hands , 变 为 托Frame Hands 同时 上 承Frame Body . 双Hands 同时 收 拳 于 腰 带 内 (图11-14).


Right Hand toward forward spread its left frame hand, right turn waist horse simultaneously right hand spread hand change to grab its left frame stick with the left waist lateral forward wrap around the frame body (figure 15 and figure 16).

Want point: Spread hands are not outward parry but directly forward spreading outwards.

The right-hand guard changes to a protective position in front of the body; the left-hand gripping changes to a sweeping motion that sweeps from above on the side of the right-frame stick; at this time, sweep it up and back with both hands while keeping them close together.

The same as step 8.

As shown in Figure 17 and Figure 18.

9-10 Repeat steps 7 and 8 on opposite sides.

11-12 Perform steps similar to steps 5 through 10 but on opposite sides.

13-14 Repeat steps similar to steps

Note: In each step description after "同时" or "at this time", add "(Figure XX)" where XX represents the corresponding figure number.

Each movement should be done smoothly without pause between them.

It is important for practitioners to practice these movements repeatedly until they can perform them smoothly without any pause between them.

Remember that proper alignment of feet and hands is crucial for effective execution of these movements.

标签: 武术拳法教学视频42式太极拳名称口诀玄幻功法神通名称大全中国全部拳法七大魔功介绍
