双脚并拢落地,同时双 palms 从体侧向面前直臂击打。接着双 palms 回收腰间,由于内侧迎刃而至,以拳心朝上的姿势呈现;此时,将力量从腹部发挥至两臂,使得每一次的蹬踢都能如同触电一般迅速且具有极高的爆发力(图50、51)。
要求:击 palm 力达 palm 心,蹬 foot 力达 foot 跟。
43、弓步双推 palms
将身体略微倾斜,让右 leg 下降成弓步状态,而同时用 arms 推出,以拳尖对准对方胸口或头顶,为的是在不让对方防备的情况下施展出一记致命的一击(图52)。
要求:落 step 和 push palm 一致有力。
44、弓步架栽 fists
身体顺着刚才的方向旋转180度,从而进入到一个新的姿态,即以 right leg 作为支撑点形成 left 弓步。而在这个过程中,我们会使用 fists 来进行架设,一只 fist 横跨于头顶旁边,而另一只则由上往下滑入 right knee 的位置,这样做能够使我们的整个身躯看起来像是被某种不可见的手握住了,就像是在准备迎接即将到来的冲刺一样(图53)。
要求:架栽 fists 与弓 steps 以及转脸要协调一致。
45、弓 steps to Fists
通过一个180度的旋转,将 body 转换成了 left 弓 step 的姿态。在这个过程中,用 left fist 收敛回腰间,但保持拳心朝上的状态,然后是用 right fist 向前的冲刺,它的心脏部分朝下的方向移动。这一切都是为了达到一个既强硬又灵活的攻击模式(图54)。
要求:冲 fists 力达 punches 面部区域,同时拧 waist 送 shoulder 发挥最大威力。
46、高 Kicks and Punches
当你发出这样的呼唤,你需要先采取一种轻巧但充满力量的手势,那就是提起你的 right hand 拳头,让它成为保护自己的屏障。而就在这瞬间,你需要低头,把 body 俯下,使得 your head 成为最小化目标面积。你要做的是准备好你的第二次攻击,即弹跃式踢法,在这一刻 your feet 应该紧贴地面,而your knees 则应该稍微屈曲以提供稳定性和力量。当 you ready, suddenly kick out with your left leg, keeping it straight and aiming for the chest or face of your opponent. At the same time, raise up from a crouched position using the strength in your legs (图55).
要求: Kick force reaches toes tip; punch force reaches face.
47., Step into Fist Strike
By lowering down my stance with a forward bend, I create space between my upper and lower body. This allows me to generate power through twisting my hips while maintaining balance. As I do so, I extend my arm in front of me, creating an arc-like motion with both hands as they move towards each other. The fingers are pointing upwards as if reaching for something above (Figure 56). This movement is not only aesthetically pleasing but also serves as a precursor to our next action.
Requirements: The strike should be powerful enough to reach the target area without losing control over posture or balance.
48., Stamping Step & Punching
In this pose we stand with feet parallel but slightly apart like two opposing forces about to collide. Our weight shifts onto one foot while keeping the other raised off ground - much like when you're on edge waiting for something big happening soon (Figure 57). We want our movements fluid yet controlled so that every punch lands cleanly on its mark without any wasted energy.
Requirements: Stamp-step and punch simultaneously in perfect harmony.
49., Scanning Leg & Arm Sweep
The first part involves lifting one's foot slightly off ground by bending at ankle joint which enables us to perform a smooth circular motion around us while rotating torso lighly clockwise direction (Figure58). As this happens concurrently with sweeping motions from both arms moving outward diagonally downward toward floor level where their tips almost touch before returning back up towards shoulders again; meanwhile lower portion of our bodies performs an opposite circular sweep around us counter-clockwise direction thus completing full circle rotation round ourselves effectively protecting vital areas during entire process.Figure59 shows final result after completion of such actions.
Requirements: Sweeping legs' power extends until toe tips; sweeping arms' power extends until wrist joints; keep eyes open throughout these maneuvers seeking potential threats nearby.
50., Grasping Hands - Left & Right
This pose requires quick reflexes combined wit