将学会的单操hand法用于实战和技击,称为打-hand,这是合一同-back门的核心内容,真正打-hand前要经过说hand和喂hand 的训练,才能在实战中得心应.hand随机应变。合一起back-punch,martial arts更是在“全身披挂”,其大开大闭open、大交错,在以少对多或与持械歹徒争斗时尤能显现出这种训练优势所在。
由上可见,24式single hand in the martial arts of a few parts content in the play an important role, now take some single hand techniques from the 24-style single hand in martial arts to share with readers.
Single Hand Technique: "Tiger Claw" Fist
Performing Method: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, left foot forward and right foot backward (Figure 1). Bring your left fist up to chest level and extend your right arm straight out in front of you (Figure 2). Quickly retract your left fist while extending your right arm further forward (Figure 3). Continue by bringing your left fist back down while keeping your right arm extended forward (Figure 4).
Single Hand Technique: "Horse Stance"
Performing Method: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Slowly lift one leg off the ground and place it on top of the other knee, keeping both legs bent at a 90-degree angle. Keep hands by sides or use them to support balance if needed.
Single Hand Technique: "Flying Kick"
Performing Method: Start with feet together and both hands held up for balance. Lift one leg off the ground and swing it around behind you before quickly kicking forward with that same leg while simultaneously swinging the other leg around to meet it mid-air (Figure A). Land on both feet without losing balance.
Single Hand Technique: "Double Punch"
Performing Method: Begin standing tall with fists clenched at waist level facing downward towards toes. Quickly throw two punches outward from each side using arms fully extended but not locked out (Figures B-C).
Single Hand Technique: "Triangle Defense"
Performing Method:
a) Begin standing tall with fists clenched at waist level facing downward towards toes.
b) As attacker approaches, shift weight onto back foot while bending front knee into a slight squat position.
c) Raise guard using forearms parallel to each other about chest height between shoulders.
d) Keeping elbows close together, rotate forearms inward so they form an isosceles triangle shape protecting face and neck area.
6.Sword Attack & Defense
a) Perform Triangle Defense stance described above.
b) As attacker swings sword downwards towards head or neck area:
Rotate body clockwise so sword slices air just above shoulder blade
Swiftly raise guard higher than initial position
Use outer forearm edge as shield deflect incoming attack
Counterattack by striking directly upward along path taken by deflected sword strike
7.Double Whip & Double Stick Techniques
a) Holding double whip handle in center:
8.Martial Arts Training Tips:
Practice regularly for consistent improvement.
Focus on proper technique over speed or strength alone.
Train under guidance of experienced instructor when possible for safety reasons.
Remember these techniques are meant as an introduction only; mastering them takes time, patience, dedication & practice.
Note:Single training can be repeated multiple times based on available space.
Usage tips:
The first step is active listening.
Be prepared physically.
Mental focus is key.
Self-discipline must be maintained throughout practice.
In conclusion...