2.前伸 sword
上动不停,两手下落至两大腿外侧;然后两legs由屈到伸,两hands 上下分开,右sword 指收于右胯外侧,加左hand持sword置于左胸前,加目视左hand(图 11,12,13,14)。
兩leg直立與兩hand 前後分開同時進行。
front stretch sword is with the tip of the sword stretching forward; this move has attacking intention.
接以上动不停,上体轻微倾斜,使身体重心略高于地面。同时,将身體轉向90度方向,用右spear從left hand的側面穿過,在空中划出一弧形,再用right foot做一個小半步進一步。同時,用left foot跟隨著移動,但foot尖輕触地面,而foot heel則抬起形成"left ding step”。同时,用both hands分别與身體側邊劃一立圆。将left hand hold spear place at back of body and right hand spear point towards front and upwards, eyes looking at right hand (图2--).
Two feet steps forward need to be natural and coordinated.
Sword pointing is using middle finger and index finger stretched out together while other three fingers are bent down, thumb pressing on the first joint of ring finger and pinky finger; this move has attacking intention.
继续動作,不断转体180度成“虚步”状。Right hand take spear from left side then turn it into a vertical stroke above head. Left arm holding a horizontal stroke in front chest area with palm facing downwards while keeping eye gaze on left arm (图2---).
Take up spear accurately.
Upward thrusting through: reverse gripping the hilt by horizontally pushing the blade upwards diagonally across from top to bottom; this move aims to attack opponent's throat.
从第二式开始,将Left foot make half-step forward forming "Left horseback riding posture". Right hand rotate wrist to form a flat circular motion with sword in it. Then transfer weight backward while bending both legs into "half-horseback riding position". Right-hand grip sword as if pulling it back laterally along chest line but below shoulder level while lowering chin slightly for better view (Figure 3--).
[Key points]:
Body moves downward when rotating swords, pulls swords when transferring weight backwards by waist strength.
Circular rotation: draw a circle around body with flatly held blade starting from chest area moving clockwise before returning to original position placing hands against sides of body facing palms downwards; force should reach middle section of blades lengthwise; this technique serves purpose of deflecting objects wielded by opponents.