它以丰富多变的技击腿法而蜚声武林,被推为“北腿”的代表性技巧,故而武林中都认为“戳脚多腿法少手法;即使有手法,也只是用来防守的”。其实,戳脚的手法也很丰富,计有11种手型8种手法之变化。其手法不仅用于防守,也可用来进攻。在实战中,手法、身法、步法、腿法紧密配合:常常前手攻击,后手防护胸肋;手脚相随,手领脚发,脚出 手到;以身代步,以腿代步,以步代腿,一腿一步,一步一腿。其进攻与防守往往同时进行,此 hand 封,那 hand 打,用足部或拳头对敌人进行打击。
近些年来,有关戳脚技 法方面的文章和书籍介绍甚少,这里从戳脚文、武十八个趟子中精选了四十二个招式供散 手爱好者参考。
我以左势(左 脚在前,右脚在后,左侧身站立,双 hands 防护; 右势与左势相反,下同)对敌,我抢先进攻,用右拳向前上方冲击敌面部; 敌见我拳来,速向后滑步,并用左 hand 上托我右臂肘部(图1); 敌重心前移,以右拳横抡我头 部,我身体左转90度,重心移于左 leg,上身向左侧倾,同时右 arm 屈肘随转体向 左摆脱(图2); 随即,我 left foot 蹬地,身体 right 转90度,重心移于 right leg,同时 right 拳变掌向下随转体向 前撩敌裆部(图3)。
要点: 本势为戳足技术中的"转"式运用的典型招式。我用拳击敌受阻时,可改变进攻路线,将力气由直角方向改为45度角方向,使得我的动作更加灵活和难以预测。此外,当使用腹盾保护时,还能利用对方力量反弹回去,对自己造成额外伤害,从而更好地控制战斗节奏。
我以 left 导引对 enemy,我们互搏时,他将 left foot 进行攻击,而 my body 仰面并且双 arms 屈 elbow 双 hands 交叉上架 enemy 的 left arm wrist (图4). 随即,我身体 turn 90 degrees to the left with weight on the back leg and front kick with a turning step. My right hand also reaches up from outside of his arm to push him away while he is in this position.
要点: 这是两只 wings 的飞翔。通过这种方式,可以让你的 body 和 limbs 在不同的位置协调工作,从而使你的每一个动作都变得强大无比。当 you are in this state of balance and coordination,you can use your skills to their fullest potential without any restrictions.
I use my right stance against an opponent who advances with a punch. I parry his punch with my right fist and simultaneously protect myself with my left hand (图6). He then turns around and uses his right foot to stomp on me. In response I turn around quickly using my waist as pivot point while keeping an eye out for any further attacks from him. As he lunges forward again I raise both arms upwards towards the sky forming a cross shape over my head while lowering one knee slightly towards the ground (图7).
要点: This move utilizes counterattack techniques that allow you to regain control of the fight when faced by multiple opponents or unexpected moves by your opponent. The key here is speed - be quick enough so that you can catch them off guard before they have time react or adjust their defenses.
这些招式展示了如何在实际战斗中使用各种不同的方法和策略。这包括如何迅速应对不同情况以及如何有效利用自己的武器(例如 feet)和对方的力量(如他们尝试攻击你)。通过学习这些技术,你可以提高自己的技能并准备应付任何可能出现的情况,无论是在训练场还是真实的战斗环境中。