






Purple Extreme asked for further clarification and was told that the method of using "Sub" (子) to flow into each other was the most auspicious, while the method of using "Ling" (灵) to fly and move around was the most abundant. He also learned that there were few people who truly understood the medical applications of I Ching.

The Master then revealed to Purple Extreme that he would teach him about the Eight Palaces, which are Inner Palace, Outer Palace, Main Palace, Transformative Palace, Flying Palace, Hidden Palace. Purple Extreme asked why he only mentioned six palaces and not eight. The Master replied that there were indeed eight palaces within those six - Yin Yang principles.

Finally, Purple Extreme asked about how to use these principles in practical life and was given a detailed explanation by his Master on how each palace represented different aspects such as False or Real (外宫/内宫), Body or Essence (本宫), Use or Action (飞宫), Concealment or Storage (伏宫), Progression or Advancement (变宫).

标签: 武林资讯
