




bridge and horse, including the external five essentials. The internal and external five essentials of Hong family martial arts are discussed below.

Internal Five Essentials

The internal five essentials include Jing (essence), Li (force), Gu (bone), Qi (breath or energy), and Shen (spirit). These are the fundamental principles for cultivating one's body and mastering martial arts techniques. They correspond to the five animal forms in Hong family martial arts: dragon, tiger, leopard, snake, and crane.

a) Jing:

Jing is the core of the internal five essentials. It refers to both prenatal essence inherited from parents and postnatal essence derived from food consumed after birth. Postnatal essence further transforms into true breath that nourishes organs, muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, skin hair nails as well as blood vessels; while it also replenishes marrow with insufficient Jing or fills up bone with abundant Jing once it reaches equilibrium state; if overabundant then leads to loss through excretion resulting in a 7-day recovery period before returning to equilibrium.

b) Li:

Li originates from muscles and bones; strong bones with robust muscles result in powerful force whereas weak bones with thin muscles lead to feeble strength. Therefore practice focuses on relaxing muscles while strengthening bones.

c) Gu:

Gu signifies solidification of muscle power into bone structure so that one can withstand impacts without injury.

d) Qi:

Qi refers to life-breath which enables physical activities by harmonizing body movements between softness & hardness within an individual's natural pace thus ensuring balance between yin & yang forces.

e) Shen:

Shen represents spirit/intelligence where concentration must be maintained during practice like a bird soaring high without fear or worry but fully aware of its surroundings - calm yet alert!

标签: 武林人物
