实战说明:enemy me against, I with swift and sudden force strike enemy's jaw or heart with my right fist, followed by a kick to the shin or knee.
Dynamic principles: The upper body must be agile and flexible, while the lower body should be steady and powerful. In actual combat, it is important not to lift one's leg too high lest there be an opening for the opponent to counterattack.
Realistic variations: If the attack hits its mark, we can follow up with a reverse cupping hand technique; if the opponent retreats or blocks our attack, we can use a pushing palm technique instead.
The circle of grasping is another fundamental move in Tai Chi boxing. It involves using both hands to grasp an opponent from either side and then twisting their arms back towards their own bodies. This move requires great strength and control over one's movements.
In this example we will demonstrate how to perform an inner circle of grasping.
Realistic scenario: Enemy me against, I quickly flick my left hand at enemy's face causing them to recoil or defend themselves. Then I swiftly bring my left hand down under their arm pit as they are pulling away from me while simultaneously advancing forward on my left foot eating into theirs. At the same time I hit enemy on top of their shoulder with my right shoulder.
Action guidelines: Tai Chi boxing emphasizes that "the top strikes like clouds pulling strings", "the middle attacks by pressing against bones" and "the bottom kicks like roots digging deep". When performing a circle of grasping one must eat roots dig deep meaning that your legs should lock onto theirs preventing them from moving freely. Your upper body should press tightly onto theirs creating two horizontal forces working together which is commonly referred known as leverage power in physics terms allowing you to throw them down on the ground effectively showcasing Tai Chi Boxing close-in fighting ability.
Realistic variations: If enemy pulls out front leg first grab it with your right foot sweep it away behind you at same time punch him across his chest grab his clothes pull down further increasing combined strength three times more than any single action alone also if he opens door let go slide backwards turning around step back jump leap landing slightly off center forming closed elbow defense ready for incoming blow