要领: 手扇的同时一定要有抢进的意识,不可犹豫不决。
无论那只脚在前都可以,现在以右脚在前为例:双hands 下垂站定两hands 心相对屈肘hand 向up挑至耳际Right 膝随挑Hand 向后仰身高高提起(图49,50)。
敌若采用双Hands 撞打或是抓双Shoulder(图51),马上以小Arm 向up挑其两Hands,并同时仰身提Knee 撞打敌Abdomen(图52)。
要领: 反应要快,用Knee 要巧。
十二、虎坐洞:Hand 翻Arm
两Foot 左Right 打开适度,然后弯腰两Hands 抄抱(图53),之后再toward 上托至Head 部分身体down蹲坐(54)。
敌人从背后搂抱时,当先以Arms 打其Small Abdomen并趁势toward 下弯腰(Downward Hands 抄起Enemy Foot Follows, 臀部迅速toward Down压迫 Knee 上 (56)).
要领: Arms 打、抄Legs 和 Downward 坐动作虽有先后,但力求一气贯通。
1.Left 弓步 Right Hand 向Down 斜劈 Left Hand 停于 Right Elbow 下作Protecting (57), 随着斜劈提Up Right Knee崩 Foot Wrist 以Foot Tip Click 或 Hook Kick (58), Right Foot toward Forward Fall Step, Right Hand 随Fall Step Continue toward Downward Cut (59).
Usage method:
2.Up Left Step with Right Hand 拦截 Enemy's Wrist, Left Hand 在 Chest 前 作 Protecting (60), Grabbing Time 提 UpLeft Knee with Toe Tip Click Its Inner Side of Leg (61), WhenRight Foot Lands, hand immediately cuts to Neck Area of Enemy (62).
Want to learn: Hands and Feet should be coordinated tightly; action should be quick; technique and leg technique must be accurate.
Practice method:
Stand on one foot while bending the other knee slightly.
Perform a right-handed punch towards the left side of your body.
Move your left arm from below up to above your head in a circular motion.
Lift your right foot off the ground and use it as if you were kicking an opponent's inner thigh.
Bring back down without delay before using your left foot to kick their outer thigh in a similar manner.
Usage method:
If an enemy attacks from behind with both hands grabbing you around the waist, perform a roundhouse kick with both feet simultaneously towards their chest area while twisting your torso.
Wang Zhiyuan is known for his ability to laugh at himself even when he is fighting against powerful opponents.
As Wang Zhiyuan continued practicing these techniques under Master Liang’s guidance, he found that they not only helped him improve his physical strength but also enhanced his mental toughness.
"Master Liang," Wang Zhiyuan asked after finishing each practice session.
"Is there anything else I can do? Anything else that will help me become stronger?"
"You are already quite strong," Master Liang replied.
"But remember this - laughter is also power."
And so Wang Zhiyuan continued his training by incorporating humor into every aspect of his life.
In time, word spread about Wang Zhiyan’s unique approach to martial arts training - laughing through adversity - and people began coming from all over China just to witness it firsthand.
Soon enough, Wang Zhiyan became known as "The Laughing Warrior" or "The Laughter Kung Fu Master".