



尽管身材矮小,但在实战中 林先师展现出的敏捷与速度让人叹为观止。他对步法训练极为注重,使得他的虚实变化及闪避技巧无比灵活。而且,即便是体重超过200磅的大型对手,也无法轻易控制他,在战斗中总能保持机动性,不给对方任何机会。不仅如此,他还精通北方风格中的铁砂掌、罗汉功等多种高级技艺,并将这些技能融合进自己的七星螳螂拳之中,使其演绎得更加完美无瑕。

除了主修七星螳螂拳外,林先师还擅长剑术、棍法以及梅花枪和春秋大刀等多样武器his skill with various weapons, including swordsmanship, staff techniques, and the use of the meihua gun and chunqiu dadao. His reputation as a master spread far and wide in martial arts circles.

Over the years, Lin Jingshan has traveled to different places to teach his art. He once served as an instructor for warlord Ye Yuming in Tianjin from 1911 to 1915. After that, he returned to Yantai to take over the teaching position left by his mentor Fan Xudong. As a student of Fan Xudong's school, Lin Jingshan was ranked third among his peers. Through meticulous training under Fan Xudong's guidance, he fully absorbed the essence of seven-star mantis boxing and became proficient in iron sand palm and luohan fist techniques.

After decades of practice, Lin Jingshan had mastered the style and fighting spirit of seven-star mantis boxing so thoroughly that it seemed effortless on him. His mastery extended beyond just this one art form; he also excelled at swordplay, staff work, meihua gun technique, spring-autumn broadsword skills - all these made him a legend in martial arts circles.

In later years when he returned home to Leiyang County's Jiantu Village where he spent most days practicing even after reaching advanced age. On June 1st in 1971 when Lin Jing Shan Master passed away peacefully at home surrounded by loved ones leaving behind an enduring legacy as one of China’s greatest martial artists ever known

标签: 学打太极拳基本功练武功怎么练武功招式图谱武林绝学100个绝技武当禁学剑法
