


左手伏抓变为护手放于体前,右手搂抓变为膀手由左 桩 手上侧膀其右 框 手,同时膀Hands 变 为 摊 Hands 摊其Right 框 Hands 外侧,Left Hand 护Hand 变 为 横掌 横 其 框 身(图4、图5)。要点是在执行这一步时,要注意双脚圈步进马的协调性,以及双Hands 的交叉剪握。

Left Foot 圈步进马落于框身左侧,同时双Hands 交剪, Right 框 Hands 变 为 横掌 横 其 框 身。Left Foot 圈马回转, Left Hand 变 为 耕框 Hands 耕其中框Hands, Right Hand 横掌 变 为 摊框 Hands 摊Its Left FrameHands 外侧(图8、图9)。要点是在退 马 时,不可直接把腿拉过,而应与进 马 时走的路线保持一致。

双Hands 同时上提下抹双FrameHands, 变 为 扫FrameHands 同时上托框身。双Hand同时收拳于腰际(图11-14)。要点是在执行这一步时,要注意用力点在掌根,并且动作必须同步完成。

Right Hand 向前摊Its Left FrameHand, Right Turn Waist Marry, Meanwhile Right Hand 以上Head Var As Hold Its Left FrameHand , 和Left Head 小Waist Intoward Forward Grab FrameBody (Picture15,Picture16). 要点是在执行这一步时,要注意不要让Right Head 在空中悬停太久,这样可以提高实战中的效率。

Double hands form a hook to protect the head and body from attack while moving forward.

The right hand is used to deflect an incoming attack and then grabs the opponent's left framehand with the left hand while simultaneously moving forward.

The right hand is used to block an incoming attack and then grabs the opponent's right framehand with the left hand while simultaneously moving backward.

The right foot moves forward in a circular motion around the opponent's body as if performing a horseback riding movement called "Marriage." At this moment both hands are interlocked in front of your chest for defense against any potential attacks from all sides.

10.The same process as step 9 but on the other side.

11.The left foot moves backward in a circular motion away from your body as if performing another horseback riding movement called "Withdrawal."

12.Left foot steps back into position for defense.

13.Right foot steps back into position for defense.

14.Double hands form a hook to protect your head and body from attack.

15.Left leg performs another roundhouse kick aimed at your attacker's knee or stomach area.

16.Double hands perform simultaneous palm strikes aimed at different areas of your attacker’s face or neck.

17.Left leg performs another roundhouse kick aimed at your attacker’s knee or stomach area.

18.Double hands perform simultaneous palm strikes aimed at different areas of your attacker’s face or neck.

19.Right leg performs another roundhouse kick aimed at your attacker’s knee or stomach area.

20.Double hands perform simultaneous palm strikes aimed at different areas of you

标签: 武术自学app最新版本世界十大禁用格斗术打架七大阴招招式武功秘籍名称有哪些武功都有什么名字
