双脚并行同时落地,然后双 palms 从体侧向面前直臂击出。接着双 palms 回收腰间,胸部挺拔,以便于接下来的动作。一气呵成,一招既是进攻又是防守的完美结合(图50、51)。
要求:击 palm 力达 palm 心,小步蹬 leg 力达小 toe 前端。
43、弓步双 push Palm
在保持良好的平衡基础上,将身体微微倾斜至一侧,使得另一侧的 leg 落入半弓步姿势。此时两 palms 从腰间飞起,如同快风般扫过空中,最终在空中化为一对飞速旋转的 fists。在这过程中,全身肌肉紧绷,每个关节都像是精巧雕刻出来的一样(图52)。
要求:落 step 和 push Palm 需要同步协调,有如一人之内两个世界,不断交替展开和收束。
44、弓 step 架栽 Punch
要求:架栽拳与弓 step 的配合必须完美无瑕,每一步每一次挥舞都充满了艺术性与力量。
弹 Leg & Clash Fist
首先,用一种轻松自如的姿态将你的 left arm 轻轻举起来,同时 your right fist 也悄然回到你腹部位置,然后,在这一瞬间,你用 left arm 快速冲刺出去,而 right fist 则迅猛发射,这两者形成了一种不可思议的互补关系,让人仿佛看到了时间本身被打破重组。(图55)
要求: 弹 Leg 力达到 Toe Tip, Clash Fist 速度快而准确
弯 Step & Clash Fist
这个动作开始于 body 的180度旋转结束后,当你的 body 做好准备之后,你会做出一个漂亮的小提琴状划线,用 right foot 在 ground 上画下它。而就在这个时候,你's left hand 会变得更加灵活,它不仅仅是简单的一个攻击,还蕴含了深厚的情感表达和策略布局。(图56)
要求: 战斗中的 body rotation 必须如此流畅自然;Clash Fist 应该具有足够强大的力量来震撼敌人的心魄
戳 Step & Clash Fist
此时你需要做的是让自己的 left foot 在 ground 上留下它最坚实的地印,那么就可以开始 your own dance now - a beautiful ballet of martial arts that will leave the audience in awe and wonder.(Figure 57)
Requires: The power of clash should be enough to knock down an opponent, while the stomp should be loud and powerful.
Sweep Leg & Sweep Hand
This movement is like a whirlwind blowing through the battlefield, leaving no space for opponents to escape or counterattack (Figures 58-59).
Requires: The sweep must be fast and strong, hitting both the ankle bone and knee cap with precision; also make sure that the hands are swift and powerful as well.
Stabbing Footwork & Deflecting Hand
The final move begins with a series of quick jabs from your feet towards your opponent's legs before retreating back into stance (Figure 60). Then switch sides for another round.
Requires: Each kick must land solidly on target; deflecting hand should block incoming attacks with ease.
Pointing Footwork & Piercing Palm
In this last sequence you'll use your feet as if they were sharp knives cutting through any opposition while simultaneously using your hands to pierce through any defense (Figure 61).
Requires: Both kicking techniques should have enough force to penetrate even armor; piercing palm should be able to break through defenses effortlessly.
Kick Through Palms
Finally, we end this list of moves with one more unexpected turn by swiftly changing direction mid-motion - it is as if time itself has been manipulated by some unseen force (Figure62).
Requirements: Forceful kicks combined with precise control over arms ensure victory in combat situations