


罗汉拳的运动特点是:出手必有拳掌打,回手须用鹰爪抓,双 fists密如雨,脆快一挂鞭,一举手一投足十分强调武术的技击特点,富有浓厚的攻防含意。其运动风格是浑朴雄健,要求在演练时手快眼明,步轻身灵。该款式突出了鹰爪翻子门的抓、打、擒、拿、高挑、高压搂抱勾挂撑踹等主要技法。










②上动不停左脚蹬地跳起右脚向西北方跃全脚着地顺势移动形成虚步同时右指内旋伸展成侧立拍出与鼻尖同高眼看Left Palm (Picture 5)。

③ 上动继续Right Foot step to the southeast, heel touch ground, left foot move forward, toe touch ground forming a virtual step; simultaneously right palm lower down and outwards with arm extended into a side push-palm position striking downwards and outwards towards the east-southeast direction at nose level; eyes watch right palm (Picture 6).

Want points: Three punches must be connected quickly with force concentrated on fingers.

Retreating Right Kick Rolling Punching Hands

① Upward movement continues as right foot slides backwards while body turns to the left; then entire sole of foot touches ground, followed by a slight shift forward of left leg into an L-shape stance. Simultaneously rotate wrist from outside in using little finger to control outward rotation of forearm and bring hand back towards chest.

② Body turns slightly to the right as left foot extends forward with toes touching ground. Right palm rotates fingers inward while moving across abdomen along outer arm toward hip behind, rotating downwardly and outwardly.

③ Body turns further to the left as right knee bends down into an L-shape stance from which both feet are positioned facing each other but not quite parallel; simultaneously extend fist from front up towards face level then retract it back down while rotating wrist outwardly so that fist forms a claw-like shape pointing towards south-eastern direction.

④ In this final posture, observe hands in motion before ending in 'claw' form.

The above movements should be performed smoothly without any interruptions or pauses between them.

Bowlegged Embracing Hand Charging Fist


标签: 武术拳法教学视频怎样自学武术太极拳二十四式分解图武功招式图谱武侠小说中所有功法绝技
