

有:挤、抚、挤、压、挑、八、肘、倚、分、云、推、抱等手法; 栽、走、拦、掠、击等拳法; 踢、分、拍、摆腿法,进、退、侧步等步法,以及无尽、开合、提、空步等堆法,这些方法构成了太极拳的基本功。气训练。 练习太极拳基本功,可以实现太极拳技术更加全面的发展,提高动作规范的标准化,为进一步学习太极拳套路打下坚实的基础。










3.挤压:将一只手臂弯曲于胸前,另一只手靠近弯曲手臂的手腕内侧。 手掌朝前,双臂同时向前推。 手臂呈圆形,不高于肩部,力量到达前臂。


5、出拳:出拳从腰部向前旋转,力量到达拳面。 拳眼向上时为立拳,拳心向下时为平拳。












17. 手掌支撑:掌心向上,由下往上提起。

18、举掌:从指尖向前过渡到指尖向上。 侧立手掌由下向上举至眉毛高度。


(3) 台阶模式

1、弓步:双脚从前到后分开,前腿膝盖处弯曲,大腿向地面倾斜,脚尖向前。 你的膝盖和脚趾上下相对。 后腿自然伸直,脚趾向前倾斜,整个脚踩在地上。


3、扑布:单腿弯曲,充分蹲下,全脚着地,脚趾外展; 另一腿自然伸直至体侧,脚趾内扣,全脚着地。

4、半马步:前脚向前伸直微内扣,后脚横向向外,两脚相距三尺左右,全脚着地。 双腿弯曲下蹲,大腿高于水平面,重心在后腿上。














2. 踢脚:站稳,支撑脚稍微弯曲。 另一条腿弯曲抬起,小腿向上摆动,脚尖向后勾,脚跟向外推出,使脚高于腰部。

(6) 体型














身体保持正直、舒适,转动宽松、公正、自然稳定; 动作要以腰为中心,带动四肢,随上随下,虚实分明,不宜刚柔,忽起忽落。 姿势要舒展、大方、完整。

(8) 眼睛技巧

你需要集中你的思想,并用你的思想引导他们。 摆姿势时,目视前方或将注意力集中在双手上; 变换姿势时,眼睛要与技术、步法、身体动作相协调。 气势一动,目光随动,表情自然。
















【学习互动】(11)扎西弟子董洪。 王建昌老师和万玉刚教授对贾春荣视频进行点评互动
















【拳经分享】“力破则劲连,劲破则气通”。 教你练太极拳如何续劲









【分享拳经】太极丹田之气从何而来? 丹田内环功的作用是什么?





【分享拳经】太极拳动作能有效促进人体运转吗? 记住这张图!








【拳经分享】太极拳的精髓是什么? 如何练习松肩落肘? (知识系列一)

【分享拳经】什么是虚灵顶金? 这是什么想法? (太极拳系列知识2)

【拳经分享】双到底是什么? 力量从何而来? (太极系列知识三)

【分享拳经】如何松腰松胯? (太极拳知识系列四)


【拳经分享】如何练习传统杨式太极拳? 拥有内在力量是什么感觉? (系列知识六)












【拳经分享】太极拳有一些重要的秘诀。 你学会了吗?







【拳经分享】练拳的关键是“根在脚”。 我来教你练一双轻太极脚。

【拳经分享】“每转身必沉,每沉必领先,每升必跌,每立则松,沉”。 四大定律你了解多少?




【分享拳经】快慢交替练习85式,可以快速提升功力。 你可以尝试一下。





【分享拳经】你想找到练拳时的感觉吗? 这是关键!


【拳经分享】松胯有什么作用? 松开胯部是什么感觉?








【拳经分享】既然你会练太极拳,你也要懂得如何修炼太极拳。 你知道要培养什么吗?





【拳经分享】太极功夫的精髓。 读完之后,你就知道如何好好练习了。




【拳经分享】站桩时大小周天跑得怎么样? 如何打通任督二脉?学会了就

【分享拳经】“太极拳为聪明人之拳”。 想要练出功夫,就需要“悟”和“练”!




【分享拳经】太极拳为什么能抗衰老? 具体涉及哪些器官?


【拳经分享】太极前辈偷偷教你这些知识吗? 值得体会的宝贵经验!


【分享拳经】想内用太极拳来改善身体吗? 你一定要明白“练理论不练力量,练身体不练动作”!

【拳经分享】简单易懂的太极内功训练方法。 练习得越多,你的力量就会越多!


【分享拳经】打太极拳十年不出门? 这意味着你根本走错门了!


【拳经分享】太极拳怎么练? 什么是散手?

【分享拳经】拳论讲“持丹田练内功”。 怎样才能修炼丹田呢?










【分享拳经】什么情况下不宜练太极拳? 当心



【分享拳经】练拳的时候,脚底能松的时候就是这样的感觉。 你有吗?





【拳经分享】太极内功全集。 你现在练了多少了?

【拳经分享】太极拳的内功是什么? 你是怎么练习的?





【分享拳经】一位大师练拳心得:一棵松树分三层。 你能通过几级?


【分享拳经】详细讲解庄功要领的体会、体感、功效。 是一本很好的教材!

【拳经分享】太极拳如何辨别虚实? 什么是合格的小说?









【拳经分享】太极内气练功后的真实表现是什么? 你练习了多少技术?





【拳经分享】什么是松腰下胯? 如何练习外旋、内收、下沉?




【分享拳经】这里有一代代太极拳练习者的练习经验。 只要你耐心尝试一下,一定会有帮助的!







【分享拳经】增筋一寸,延寿十年。 《柔体十八势》助你打造健康!




【分享拳经】练拳为什么要开胯? 教你如何打开胯部(附图)









【分享拳经】美女老师滔滔不绝地讲解“虚领”。 享受并从中受益!






[新闻来了]两场提案! 涉及太极世界里的你、我、他!

【拳经分享】太极距离规则全集! 每一句话都是经典!
















【分享拳经】在这里练拳对你有什么好处吗? 这绝对是错误的做法!





【太极残片】如何抬脚不踢。 无声着陆(4)


[Fragments of Tai Chi] (5) How to "stabilize the center of gravity and prevent knee pain" when practicing boxing

[Fragments of Tai Chi] (6) "Tai Chi up and down with a stick" --- simple and clear Tai Chi power!

[Tai Chi Fragments] (7) Use "revolution" and "rotation" in boxing practice - your skills will be superior!

Various reactions in the pile can verify your kung fu level!Keep your gong and be able to cultivate it

The best health schedule is announced---I suddenly realized it after reading it!

[Authoritative release] Tea---can kill and effectively inhibit the replication of new coronavirus cells!

[Voice from CCTV] Why should you practice Tai Chi? This is the best reason!

[Sharing of Boxing Sutras] Is it better to practice Tai Chi with an elevated stance or a low stance - you will know after reading it!

[Share the Boxing Sutra] Practice Tai Chi without losing the Eight Eight Elements!

Random thoughts on repeating a grade and learning boxing: Teacher Tashi's famous saying will happen to everyone!

Thousands of people Yang Quan intensively studied and improved the group moderator working meeting records

[Sharing of the Boxing Sutra] A first try on the feeling and practice of Tai Chi's “Inner Qi Surge”

[Famous Master Classics] Twenty Boxing Experiences of Grandmaster Yang Chengfu's Disciple Dong Yingjie

[Sharing of Boxing Sutra] In Tai Chi, does the energy sink in the Dantian or the soles of the feet?

[Boxing Sutra Lecture Hall] The Ten Essentials of Tai Chi (6) "Intention and not force" is conditional!

[Boxing Sutra Lecture Hall] Ten Essentials of Tai Chi (7) What is the "up and down" of hugging the knees and holding back the steps?

[In-depth and good article] No matter how many routines you use, it doesn't necessarily mean you have kung fu!

[Sharing of Boxing Classics] Common mistakes in practicing Tai Chi. See if you have made them. It's not too late to correct them.

[Interpretation of Push Hands] When the force from your feet reaches your hands, they will become gentle and irresistible (Video attached)

[Boxing Sutra Sharing] Yawning while standing - listen to what Chinese medicine says

[Sharing of Boxing Sutras] Being able to understand the secrets of Tai Chi Push Hands - it means you are experienced in Tai Chi!

[Yun Gai Xinyu] Can't you find the sense of Qi when you practice boxing?Come in and feel it

[Sharing of Boxing Sutras] Is it true that Tai Chi can fly when you hit it with your hands?

[Tai Chi Fragments] A few words to help you distinguish the "style" and "momentum" of Tai Chi

[Yun Gai Xinyu] How to develop internal strength in Tai Chi - subverting understanding!

[Sharing of Skills] Chinese Mysterious Acupuncture Skills

[In-depth and good article] Practice your own boxing and say how good others are

[Exercise sharing] Millennium longevity "Ba Duan Jin" decomposition teaching (1) Preparatory style

[Exercise Sharing] Decomposition and Teaching of "Ba Duan Jin" for Thousand Years of Longevity (2)

[Exercise Sharing] Eight-Character Palm. How Tiger Claw Strength dissipates lung heat and quenches thirst (3)

[Exercise sharing] Health care essentials for standing with palms, sitting with wrists and shoulders open, soothing the chest, abdomen and sides (4)

[Exercise sharing] Hand rotation and shoulder extension. How to turn the head left and right and hang the head correctly (5)

[Exercise Sharing] Why you can "remove the inner fire" and how to do it correctly (with explanation 6)

[Exercise Sharing] The right way to do the hand climbing and foot climbing can achieve the purpose of strengthening the kidneys and lowering the body weight.

[Sharing of Skills] (8) The essentials and functions of “holding the soul gate firmly and using internal energy to punch”

A must-read for a century-old Tai Chi classic

[Exercise sharing] Voice guided health pile (healing music)

[Teaching Sharing] Traditional Yang-style Tai Chi masters gather in Huangshui, Chongqing

[Teaching Sharing] The "rotation" of the 85-style moving, blocking and beating. The "crotch" is like a closed one. This is the correct way.

[Teaching Sharing] Highlights from the Tai Chi Holy Land Graduation of My Teacher's Ten-Year Dojo

[Sharing of Boxing Sutra] Seven major disadvantages that must be corrected if Tai Chi wants to make progress

[Sharing of the Boxing Sutra] "Tai Chi does not use hands. When the hands are used, they will no longer move"_I suddenly realized it after reading it!

[Sharing of Boxing Sutras] If you want to "regulate your strength" when practicing boxing, you must first understand how to "press Qi to your back"

[Sharing of Boxing Sutras] Wang Zongyue has a brief chat with "Tai Chi Theory"!

[Share the Boxing Sutra] Different physical sensations experienced at each stage of Zhuang Gong

[Sharing of Boxing Sutras] The 22 boxing principles left by Tai Chi predecessors. Each word is Zhuji.

[Sharing of Boxing Sutras] Wang Zongyue's "Explanation of Tai Chi" and "Song of the Thirteen Movements" must be learned by boxers

[Dialogue between Masters] Can practicing Tai Chi help you live longer? Why do famous masters have short lives?

[Share the Boxing Sutra] A summary of the essential words of Tai Chi masters. After reading this, I suddenly became enlightened!

Swordsman's dream first step

[Health Tips] The size of your meals can tell your lifespan

[Grandmaster Classics] Zhang Sanfeng's Theory of Tai Chi

[Share the Boxing Sutra] Zhanzhuang can survive these two major hurdles, and blood stasis can be eliminated in all Zhanzhuang!

[Health Tips] CCTV Bai Yansong teaches you a few tips to avoid "legs age first when people age"

[Boxing Sutra Sharing] Yang Chengfu: I don't know how to hang my head. I have practiced for thirty years in vain---how to practice correctly

[Sharing of Boxing Sutra] The secret of Tai Chi---the method of loosening joints

State Sports General Administration. Chinese Wushu Association solicits letter to improve Wushu (Tai Chi) competition rules

[Knowledge Sharing] What are human meridians---New discoveries by American scientists

[In-depth and good article] People who will affect your destiny in life

[Share the Boxing Sutra] Do you feel like the joints are really loosened when practicing boxing?

Wonderful documentary of the first public welfare teaching of 51 Swords in Zhengzhou Tutoring Center of Yang Style Tai Chi Tashi Boxing

[Master Lecture Hall] Zhang Zhijun deciphers the "pine" of Tai Chi

[Sharing of Boxing Sutra] How to breathe in Tai Chi

[Interesting Tai Chi] What can you see (warm reminder that those who are sick are prohibited from viewing)

[Sharing of Boxing Classics] Common problems and corrective methods that occur in Tai Chi practice

Academician Zhong Nanshan: "Tai Chi's inner strength is very good for the elderly to exercise"!

[Health Sharing] The health effects of protein --- (can make people laugh)

[Tai Chi Style] Yang Style Tai Chi spreads throughout Shaanxi, and Tashi Boxing enters the community

"Mask" is charged quickly!Don't blame me for being late, I just found out

[Boxing Insights] A brief introduction to "Inner Strength"

[Medical Research] Immunity is enhanced after these 15 minutes...

The Complete History of Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi

[Fisting Consciousness Realization] "Before you go forward, there must be support" --- Talk about the gate of life

[Health Prescriptions] 20 Prescriptions of Traditional Chinese Medicine to Protect Longevity, Recommended to Collection

Academician Zhong Nanshan's clinical research "A particularly good method in China is Tai Chi"

[Expert Decryption] The easiest way to maintain immunity, everyone must know

The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine releases a home treatment plan for COVID-19 (Tai Chi. Baduanjin attached)

Academician Zhong Nanshan's authoritative answer: How to celebrate the Spring Festival safely now

Academician Zhong Nanshan urgently reminds: If you have any symptoms of Yang, you must go to the hospital

The best boxing training and health schedule are so timely!

[Authoritative release] Complete self-care manual for people infected with COVID-19

[Authoritative Popular Science] A complete guide to reasonable diet for infected and uninfected people

[Official Popular Science] 20 questions and answers for infected people during the recovery period and urgent rumor refuting reminders

[Boxing Sharing] A brief introduction to the "eye technique" in Tai Chi practice

The direction of the fourteen meridians. High-definition pictures of acupuncture points, a must-have when practicing Tai Chi

[Fist Consciousness Realization] The feeling of real relaxation to the soles of your feet

[In-depth and good article] Important rules of Tai Chi: practice and maintenance. Boxers must know

[In-depth and good article] Tai Chi---a practice in life (with Tai Chi training music)

[Fighting Insights] Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Three-step Internal Kung Fu Training Method

[Classics of Quan Wu] The five types of Tai Chi skills can be learned here

[In-depth and good article] Tai Chi Realm

[Fighting Experience] Yang Style Tai Chi practice old boxing manual, a must-read for boxers

[In-depth exploration] It only takes a thousand words to learn Tai Chi knowledge ~ the difficulty lies at the end

[Exposed by famous experts] The true origin of Tai Chi

[Boxing Experience] The flow feeling and performance of Tai Chi's internal energy after penetration

[In-depth article] Why do people who practice Tai Chi look younger than others?

[Enlightenment of Boxing] Great Way to Simple Tai Chi Songs, the finishing touch and thought-provoking

Fushun Yongnian Yang Style Tai Chi Research Association's hot spring study tour charity event is recruiting

[Fighting Insights] There are secrets to Tai Chi practice. Boxers must know this.

[In-depth and good article] A real Tai Chi teacher...

[Traditional Classic] The most comprehensive martial arts and Tai Chi apprenticeship etiquette in history

Taibai County Yongnian Yang Style Tai Chi Association's 85-style training class preview

Scientific confirmation: The secret of the unstoppable effect of "ideas" on health

