
一、源流 螳螂拳的历史可以追溯到明末清初的胶东人王朗,他创造了这门独特的武术。据说,王朗师从螳螂捕蝉时观察其动作,并将其内在精神和技巧融入武学之中,形成了一套以阴阳、刚柔、虚实为基准,上下左右前后的移动法则,以及18种基本手法。这便是螳螂拳的雏形。莱阳作为这门拳术的发源地,至今仍然是传承与发展这一宝贵遗产的地方。在数百年的演变过程中,螳螂拳分化出七星螳螂拳、梅花螳螂拳等多个流派,每一个流派都有着自己的特色和深度。

二、师承关系 王朗—升霄道人李庆云—李之箭—王云生—范旭东—林景山—林尚伟—林东柱

三、拳功体系 七星螳螂拳不仅仅是一种武术,它更是一种综合性的体能训练。它结合了古老文化中的精髓,与现代科学技术相结合,以达到内外兼修,一身成就的目的。七星膽的是一种特殊锻炼方式,其核心在于通过排气来增强内力,这也是提高整体力量的一大关键。







2. punches and techniques

punches are the core of seven stars mantis fist, based on the secret technique of short punch. Seven stars mantis fist emphasizes "eight hits and eight avoidances," with a focus on twelve basic hand movements: hook, grasp, pluck, hang, crush, chop, deceive, smash, stick to it. The style features smooth transitions between hard and soft movements.

weapons training

weapons are an auxiliary part of seven stars mantis fist training; they can be seen as an extension of one's fists. Mastering weapons requires a solid foundation in both martial arts and internal strength.


sparring is a way to improve understanding between opponents and enhance attacking and defending skills simultaneously while allowing practitioners to test their techniques in real combat scenarios without causing accidental injury.

Through years of development and cultivation by generations of masters within China's rich cultural landscape has emerged this unique martial art system that encompasses comprehensive physical fitness training with theoretical foundations deeply rooted in Chinese culture while also showcasing its distinctiveness globally through spreading its influence across the world.

标签: 武术知识
