接着上述动作,我们进行转身,让两腿皆屈膝成虚步势;同时,将左拳变为掌状,从右臂上方伸出,并且将其轻巧地从大腿内侧滑过。一边做这个动作,一边让left leg轻轻地踏出一步并将其尖端触及地面。此时,让right leg也稍微弯曲以保持平衡;然后,再次从left arm肱部位置穿过,以掌心朝向侧面的一种姿势展开。而此刻的left hand则顺着肩膀平行伸展至肩部水平。这一系列动作要求头顶项竖闭口扣齿眼视前方(见图17)。
接下来,我们继续前进,将left foot迈出去半个脚程形成一个弓形站立体型;而right leg则挺直成一个弓形站立体型。此时,left palm 从初始位置旋转过来,与initial right palm交汇,然后再次回到初始位置但朝着原先direction移动,而right palm收回至胸前的护心位子,对准胸腔保护它。整体来说,这需要全身呈现一种斜线状。(见图18)
要点:这是一种退为进蓄力的技术。在整个过程中,要确保knee of left leg与ground平行,并且从foot heel一直到head顶部构建起完整的一条直线型体态。
现在我们开始逆转方向,使body rotate to the right side. Simultaneously, right palm moves from its protective position behind us and swings downward in an arc shape with a fist clenched, facing slightly to the left direction. The fingers are angled forward as if cutting through something. At the same time, our left hook changes into a pushing motion with our hand towards the crotch area for protection; body leans slightly forward.
Key point: This movement requires quick rotation and power when swinging back.
Next, we step back with our right foot while keeping it close to our body; simultaneously rotating outwards with our right hand in front of us making a circular motion that starts on the left side and ends at the top-right corner of head's position. Palm is facing outward while fingers point towards left direction; tiger mouth points downwards.
We then take another step forward with our left foot passing over the previous one but landing softly so that we can land in horse-riding stance form (马裆步). Left hand follows suit by moving from lower abdomen upwards across upper arm before continuing straight ahead.
The pose emphasizes head-topped vertical posture, chin tucked inwardly closed lips eyes looking ahead (see last issue figure 10).
Key point: In this movement, there should be quickness during turning around as well as forceful energy released during wrapping hands together. Both arms need to display strength for entwining action while body should have powerful explosive energy.
Now let's move backwards by stepping back on one’s own feet while bending knees into half-squatting position; at this moment both palms are raised up - one is placed under face near knee level and other remains still above forehead area directed towards shoulder region without changing view or gaze (see Figure 20).
Key point: In this process turn quickly after which two feet must meet together causing vibrations all over body ensuring overall strength throughout entire sequence.
Finally comes sweep-the-brow technique where we advance further by bringing both legs closer together forming semi-crouching posture followed immediately by lowering down your right hand allowing it rest upon ground level below kneecap level using fingertips & thumb combined forces like scissors snipping against skin just above eyebrows creating curved line then finishing circular motion leaving finger tips hovering around nose tip area...