
1.0 引言


2.0 “推手”的概念与作用


3.0 了解“推手”的基本要领


4.0 太极拳24式中的“提气”


5.0 如何进行正确的“提气”


6.0 实战应用:如何运用“提气”加强防御


7.0 结语

总结来说,“push hands” is an essential part of the Tai Chi practice, and it plays a crucial role in improving balance, coordination and overall health condition of practitioners. It is not just about physical contact but also about understanding each other's movements and energy flow.

By mastering the basic principles of "push hands", one can enhance their ability to sense and respond to others' movements effectively, leading to better performance in Tai Chi exercises such as the 24-step form.

In conclusion, incorporating "push hands" into your Tai Chi practice will undoubtedly improve your skills in this ancient martial art while enhancing your physical fitness at the same time.

附录:更多关于Tai Chi 的资源推荐

《The Complete Book of Tai Chi》by Wong Kiew Kit: This book provides comprehensive information on various aspects of Tai Chi including its history, philosophy, techniques and benefits.

《Taoist Yoga & Qigong: The Root Of Chinese Health Exercises》by Eva Wong: This book explores the relationship between yoga practices from India and China's Taoist tradition with a focus on Qigong exercises.

Online resources like YouTube channels dedicated to teaching different styles of Tai Chi are also highly recommended for those who wish to learn more about specific forms or techniques beyond what has been discussed here.


[1] For a detailed description on how to execute each movement in the 24-step form refer to any reputable sourcebook or seek guidance from an experienced instructor.

[2] Some sources may group these steps differently; however, most agree that they cover all fundamental elements necessary for mastering this particular style.

[3] Refer back to chapter #3 (Understanding Push Hands) for further clarification on proper technique execution during push hands training sessions.

[4] Keep practicing! Consistency is key when learning new skills – set aside some time every day or week devoted solely towards perfecting your tai chi moves without fail!

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