2002年的一天。陈通过朋友介绍认识了广东三水籍七十多岁的咏 春拳高手陆叔公。陆叔公是大花面陆锦之嫡传师承的族内,与 陈之师承 咏 春 拳同出一脉,陆比 陈 大二十余岁,小巧而瘦弱。在交谈中 陈 向 陆请教 拳 法 ,陆 见 陈 咏 春 功 夫 达 到 一 定 层 次,而且好学有礼,即以取力点打法任 陈 进 攻。
陈—搭 手,就 手 脚 受 制,不 动 也 失 重,大 动 则 被 放 出。不 管 是 搭 手 试,或 是 脱 手 试,都 働 如 同 被 对 方 绑 住 手 脚 一 样,将 陈 感到 有 一 种 无 形 的 力 在 牵 制 着 自 己 而 心 神 无 着,以至于让他觉得莫明其妙。
后来我问陈关于陆叔公那样的打法有什么特点? Chen 说:“Land Uncle's boxing style is similar to our school's ancient Gou Lou Yunn Chuen. His punches are not very powerful, but he can knock me down with just one punch. He doesn't use much force when he punches, but his punches are very accurate and precise.”
细析 Land Uncle's boxing style is like our school's ancient Gou Lou Yunn Chuen in terms of taking power from the opponent. Since Chen masters the Buddha Shan Yunn Chuen which breaks opponents with fists, it belongs to a straight line movement facing forward. In real combat situations, they move like compass needles using circles around the center as their target.
In training and practice, our school also emphasizes mastering this basic structure for close-range fighting combined with side movements and waist changes while incorporating "double hand" punching techniques; the principle is "when encountering hardness (top), take power from the opponent; when encountering slippage or softness (bottom), be aware of it." This indicates that our school places great emphasis on combining knowledge of both external forms and internal awareness.
So what about Zhao Master's saying about following hands in our school? Our master follows Gou Lou Yunn Chuen. Apart from practicing double-hand circular palm-taking-power-from-the-opponent technique against counter-attacks, we also focus on "free circle hand" training exercises. The process of free circle hand training involves small-to-big transformations; its concept refers to the range of external form movements first starting with basic structures then breaking them open towards left and right extensions (such as folding palms, horizontal palms, double dragon out-of-the-sea moves). The purpose is to adapt various punching techniques' changing shapes for real combat situations' power-take-point attacks.
This includes South-style big opening-and-closing offensive techniques that excel at virtual-real changes in momentum patterns too! So here lies Zhao Master’s idea of following hands chasing after shapes for taking power points - an external technical change in awareness landing points takes advantage quickly yet quietly!
From all this analysis: springing forth from Buddha Shan Yunn Chuen basics such as breaking opponents with fists & taking power points/points where force should be taken – it springs forth into action by utilizing direct linear motion aiming forward! As per principle: utilize round central positioning amidst combative circumstances - thus aligning ourselves within a world filled with more than just simple physicality...
The end result brings us closer to understanding how martial arts can transcend beyond mere human strength alone...