bridge, which contains the five key principles of external training in martial arts. The internal and external five principles are a comprehensive system that guides the practice of Hong family boxing.
The internal five principles include:
Jing (精): This refers to the vital energy or life force that is cultivated through breathing exercises and meditation. It is considered the core of the other four principles.
Li (力): This refers to physical strength and power, which is developed through physical exercise and training.
Gu (骨): This refers to bone density and structure, which provides support for muscular activity.
Qi (气): This refers to breath control and respiratory function, which helps regulate body temperature, blood circulation, and metabolism.
Shen (神): This refers to mental focus and spiritual awareness, which enables practitioners to connect with their inner self and cultivate mindfulness.
These five principles are interconnected and interdependent; they form a holistic approach to martial arts practice that emphasizes balance between mind-body-spirit development.
In summary,
Hong family boxing has been practiced by generations of practitioners who have honed their skills through rigorous training in various forms of exercise such as bridging movements like "bridge," "bent bridge," "high bridge," "low bridge," "side bridge." These bridges serve as foundation for developing strength in both arms & legs while maintaining proper alignment & posture.
Additionally these bridges help improve flexibility by increasing range-of-motion at joints & strengthen muscles via resistance exercises.
Moreover these bridges facilitate effective transferal of forces from one limb onto another during combat situations making them highly practical applications.
So if you want learn more about how this ancient art can transform your life then I suggest you start practicing some basic bridging movements today!