




乙方向右转身90度,同时向前上左步于甲方右腿后,准备跪步压膝。与转身上步同时,右手自下向上,先抠住甲方击胸掌四指,由左向右掰拧,使甲方腕部关节反转。与此同时,左手握拳向前冲打甲方。甲方迅速将Right leg stretch out, simultaneously using the left hand to grab hold of the wrist of the right hand of 乙, holding tightly without letting go, preparing for a counterattack (图34).


The 37th move is executed by A in response to B's attack. The key point is that B must not delay in executing this move. If delayed, it will give A an opportunity to retaliate with a counterattack.


This sequence consists of 34-35 moves performed by B who holds the upper hand. The decisive factor lies in the speed and timing of these actions. As long as B can swiftly bend their left knee and press down on A's right knee while kneeling down quickly, they can gain victory over their opponent. Slow execution would provide A with an opening for retaliation; thus, martial arts confrontations emphasize both technique and speed.




A steps forward with his right foot while grabbing B's right wrist from above (动作缓慢). His gaze remains fixed on his opponent as he executes this movement.


B turns around 180 degrees to face away from A while stepping forward with her left foot behind A's right ankle. Simultaneously, she rotates her wrist inward so that her pinky finger points upward and grasps back at A's gripping hand from below (图37).



This combination involves grappling and countergripping techniques which focus on wrist flexibility. One must possess both grasping skills and forceful wrists combined with combat prowess plus tactical finesse within each grasp maneuvering or wrestling action sequences involving flipping flying escaping jumping leaping soaring into airborne flight maneuvers.





A steps forward towards B while reaching up with his right arm to grab onto B’s shoulder region (图39).




Technique Explanation:

In this series of movements, there are several key factors that need attention: first is coordination between upper body movements like throwing punches or kicks; secondly is coordination between lower body movements like stepping backwards or forwards; thirdly there should be proper use of power when executing attacks such as punches or kicks; last but not least one needs perfect control over balance during all kinds of acrobatic stunts like flips etcetera...

标签: 武术知识
