八極劍术分上、中、下三盤,又分內四極、外四極合為 八極。此外尚有內四根為眼、意、氣、力;外四根為頭、身、高手足,其意為內外兼修。在習練時須以氣力從丹田發出的哼哈二氣為要旨。但在修習這種啟動之前,你還需要先學會如何將氣沉於丹田(納氣),並將這股生命力的運轉推廣到全身上下(引氣)。如果你不知道這些基本原則,即便苦練多年也只是白忙一場。你必須有一股活力來支持你的每一步,每個動作都是通過控制你的呼吸來完成,這樣才能讓你的每一次揮灑都充滿威慾,就像轟雷一般震撫聽眾,就像崩塌巨石一般震撞敵人,是那样的強大又不可抗拒。
eight extreme martial arts is the use of a series of techniques that are unique to this art form. These include the use of inner and outer power, as well as the concept of "qi" or energy. The practice of eight extreme martial arts involves the use of breathing techniques, meditation, and physical movement to cultivate and balance one's qi.
In order to truly understand and master this art form, it is important to study its history and philosophy. This includes understanding the concept of yin and yang, which refers to the harmonious balance between opposites in nature. It also includes studying the five elements theory, which refers to the interconnectedness of all things in nature.
The practice itself involves a series of movements that are designed to cultivate one's qi. These movements are performed in a specific sequence and involve various techniques such as twisting, turning, pushing, pulling, bending, stretching and jumping.
The practice also involves meditation and breathing exercises that help you connect with your body's energy centers or chakras. The aim is not only physical fitness but spiritual growth too.
As I mentioned earlier my teacher Rozen was 90 years old when he passed away without any illness his health was still very good at that age. My current teacher Mr Tann has been practicing since he was young man now at 84 years old he still performs like when he was younger.
I have practiced this art for nearly four decades now I can tell you that it takes time patience dedication but once you get it right there will be no stopping you.
This art has helped me achieve a lot more than just physically strong I am mentally strong too.
My experience with Eight Extreme Martial Arts has been nothing short if amazing!