








在这个瞬间,乙灵活地移动自己身体,使得他的重心稳定落在自己的左右腿之间,这样做既防御又有进攻意念。他顺势伸展自己Right Arm,在空隙中快速朝着A left arm施加压力,并配合一个巧妙的旋转动作,用Right Palm直接抡起并对准A face, especially the eyes and nose area to strike (Figure6). This is called a "order palm" move.

要点:当使用顺风掌技术进行反制或者防御时,要尽量靠近A 的外侧边缘,而不是正面的对抗方式。此举不仅能有效利用你的力量,还能更好地控制局面,当你决定发起攻击,你应该让你的Right Palm从最低处开始挤压然后再到最高处放松来实现一个完美的大圆圈形状效果,使力达到了Palm base.


A right foot steps forward into a horse stance, simultaneously raising his right fist in an arc shape from behind and above towards B's face (Figure7). B takes a step back with his right foot, landing on the heel, and forms a posture of stepping back while keeping his posture straight (Figure8). Then B quickly advances forward with his right foot as he moves his upper body forward; B uses his left hand to press down on A's right forearm with the palm facing inward (Figure9).

要点: During this instant when striking occurs, you must swiftly flip your palm over to ensure that it strikes accurately; your fingers should be slightly bent but naturally spread apart. Your arm should be slightly bent at the shoulder level while holding your elbow lowly by your side. The lower limbs change from backing up with the right leg to advancing with the left leg while maintaining balance through waist power so that force reaches the center of your palm.


In this final technique, A lifts up both arms downward before lowering them again using their front forehead to head-butt opponent's forehead or facial features (Picture10), causing immediate avoidance by turning away sideways along A’s moving direction while bringing out one’s own legs outside A’s path forming an L-shape posture which includes bending knees at some extent for better stability and control during defensive action against incoming attack or counterattack as shown in Picture11.

As soon as movement begins without any pause or interruption between actions, both hands use wrist strength similar to shaking off water droplets from one’s wrists before applying forceful blows targeting opponent’s Right Forehead or Right Lower Jawline respectively according to situation depicted in Picture12

Want points: When using throw wrist method for defense purposes do not rush into evasive maneuvers too early but wait until appropriate moment then act quickly yet smoothly avoiding attacks whilst preserving flexibility within movements allowing potential counterattacks if needed.

标签: 武术知识
