












再次重心移至左侧腰略转屈膝蹬右腿呈弓步姿势同时将左右臂各伸出并拢掩于身体前面形成抱球状(图6)。如此循环往复进行三次,当双腿呈Right Arm & Left Leg 的姿态时接Right Hand Ri 合Circle。




(一)Left Hand External Circle

Right Foot steps forward and the center of gravity shifts to the right leg (Figure 15). Then, while drawing a semi-circle with the left hand in front of the body, the center of gravity shifts to the left leg (Figure 16), then shifts back to the right leg as the right hand draws a semi-circle behind the body. The movement is repeated three times, and when it reaches Figure 16, it transitions into Right Hand External Circle.


The same as Left Hand External Circle.


Firstly perform Right Combine Left Open Ring (Left Wild Horse Mane), where upper body turns slightly to one side, shifting weight onto one foot. The hands are placed on either side of abdomen forming a circular motion while moving lower extremities into an opposite stance (Figures 25 & 26).

Secondly perform Left Combine Right Open Ring (Right Wild Horse Mane) which is similar but with reversed movements.

This sequence is performed three times before transitioning into Two Hands Parallel Circular Motion.


The two hands move in parallel circles while maintaining posture and balance; breathing should be synchronized with arm movements.


Firstly perform Left Parallel Stand Circular Motion where both feet are together shoulder-width apart. Both hands move simultaneously in small circles around waist level without changing position or posture until they reach stomach level at which point they separate from each other's path by about one foot width before rejoining again for another cycle. This sequence repeats twice more after reaching Figure 33 before transitioning into Right Parallel Stand Circular Motion.

Then comes Middle Stance Step Forward / Backward Parallels where both legs bend down halfway through a horseback riding stance as both arms draw outwards from waist height towards their respective sides simultaneously completing three cycles during which time arms pass through chest region once per cycle until reaching waist height upon completion at which point transition occurs to Step-to-the-left Parallels.

标签: 武林资讯
