《戳脚拳论》曰:“手为先锋,脚为主帅,拳打六路,脚踢八方。”实战中,戳 脚注重手法与足法的有机配合。足防下,上可跺头,一足发出,一足待发,与敌人交错无处不在。
以下从戳 脚技巧中选择六式对“手 为先锋、足 为主帅”这一要义作以粗浅分析:
技术浅析:圈点 Legs 是一种先防后攻技巧,由“圈 Legs”和 “Point Legs”组成。这两个 Leg 法又是 “Legs Eight Mother Leg” 的基本 Leg 法。此式中,“Circle Legs” 防御,“Point Legs” 攻击,要衔接紧密,如同一个连续动作,不得停顿。
我以左式对敌,我重心移至左 Foot 上身体旋转90度背向 enemy my Left Hand 护胸同时 Right Fist 向前冲击 Enemy my Right Foot 扭体钩起到 Enemy Left Side with sole (Picture 4). Enemy recoils and tries to grab my right fist, I turn 180 degrees back against the enemy while keeping eyes on the rear (Picture 5). As you see me turn away from your step again, you try to hit me with a right punch. I transfer weight onto left foot, bending upper body slightly forward while keeping right foot straight and kicking upwards at the enemy's crotch area (Picture 6).
Technique Analysis: The "Yun Lun Bu Yao Yao" is an enticing technique that uses retreat as a means of attack. It consists of two movements: "Yun Lun Bu" and "Yao Yao". This style utilizes deception to lure enemies into deep positions before turning around for counterattacks.
"Yun Lun Bu" is made up of "Chu Jiao Chong Quan" and "Zhuo Shen Shou Tu". The former is used to confuse the opponent by striking both above and below simultaneously, causing disarray in their mind. Then it turns back quickly after hitting them.
In this move, we use our own momentum against them by using our feet instead of hands to attack them from behind when they are off guard.
When turning around for a second time, we aim at their waist or lower abdomen region.
This article analyzes six styles within the context of Kung Fu techniques called Tijiaoquan which includes Circle Kick Punching Technique Pointing Technique Step-Step-Move Combination Yinyang Footwork Pouncing Techniques Stamping Techniques Hooking Techniques Pushing And Pulling Techniques Using Different Parts Of Our Body To Attack Or Defend Against An Opponent
We hope that this analysis will be helpful for those who wish to learn more about Tijiaoquan