A: 临战时,我方(长发)用通背拳引手招式应变,视机而动,突然右步前上,发右甩掌抢打对方(短发)面部,随即连招出左弹leg狠踢其裆部要害,使之重创。此招要突出以快为主,上掌下leg连环击打要准确,要敏捷,有先声夺人的气魄。甩掌以肘关节为轴,由内而外至前甩打,用力贯于掌背,弹leg力达脚尖。(图4、5、6)
C:临战时,对方突然进身抢发左hook punch猛打我下颌,我随机而动,用左arm下拍阻防来punch同时起Right Pop Leg狠踢对手裆部使之受到重创。拍阻来Punch与起Leg Punt需要同动才能尽显攻守合一之妙境。(图8)
斜身跺子(kick leg)
A: 临战时,对方身体突然变向,用转身扫knee attack my head neck。我借招反击,全靠后移重心,再次起步Right Kick Leg kick the opponent’s right knee cavity till they fall down on ground. Kicking out while keeping balance by opening arms, helps in launching the kicking action. The key point is to kick at the moment when opponent turns back, and with a lateral foot twisting technique, three techniques - bending knees and stretching legs become one.(fig 9)
B: 临战时,当对方跳高侧Kick Leg attack me, I borrow this opportunity to turn it around using Right hand side Palm Block deflecting their incoming Kick, then quickly turning left foot step followed by Left Side Low Kick attacking their supporting leg's knee cavity causing them to lose fighting ability.I must position my right foot directly opposite to their supporting feet so that I can accurately turn and kick them.The waist rotation gives power as if hitting from below (fig10-11)
C: 临戦時當對方跳步高側踹擊我,我借勢變化疾用右臂横拍拦化來腳同時快速轉身連出左低踹擊攻擊他支撑膝窝使他倒地失去戰鬥能力。我必須將我的右腳站立直對他的支撐腳才能轉體準確無誤地下蹬地給力的力量達到足底。(fig12-13)
紫燕抄水(stomp leg)
A: 临戦時當對方進一步發動right straight punch來襲我面門時,我隨機應變使用left arm hook block come punch wrist area meanwhile launch right stomp leg heavily kicking his front supporting leg's knee cavity after which I land into a right pivot step quickly outputting a left cross fist punching his chest causing him defeat.Anterior-posterior coordination of both hands makes for defensive success; landing step should be placed between both legs' gap allowing for simultaneous punches and kicks display divine skill.(fig14-15)
B: 在战斗中,当对方进步施展left sweep kick攻击我的胸腹区,我灵活应对利用双臂交叉下拍截断他们的attack同时发出left stomp leg攻击他们支撑膝盖,让他们感到剧痛并导致失去战斗能力。在进行stomp的时候,从曲到直的膝盖移动方向朝着斜下的方向输出力量,同时还可以伤害敌人小腿胫骨从而产生剧痛。(fig16)
C: 当对方面露微笑状摆开准备冲刺,一记right hook punch横向劈穿头顶I闪避在侧上位置落入低姿状态,然后转过身体发出right low stomp viciously kicking against opponents’side knee making them lose control over body posture.Flash movement involves retracting chest & shrinking body while preparing for sidestep/low-kick combo deployment displays flexibility & agility of martial arts training.