

我清晰地记得,那个时代,在外滩、人民、中山、复兴等各大公园,每天都有许多习武者练拳舞剑锻炼身体,也有众多武术爱好者在民间武术团体拜师学艺。如民强国术团、鉴泉拳社,以及精武体育会和中华武术会,这些都是当时上海最热闹的地方,每天清晨去那儿健身习武的人群中男女老少都有,不但青少年学生,也有工人、职员、军人、教师,可以说,那时候很多人都会把练 武看成健身的主要手段。

1958年的上海市 武术比赛是在当时的 上海体育宫举行的(原地址已改建为 上海大剧院),这个地方不仅是 上海 武术队训练生活的大本营,而且在节假日经常举行 武術名家表演大会, 武術愛好者只花一毛钱,用二个小时左右的时间就能欣赏到 上海 各个门派几十位名家的英姿和 武藝。著名 的 武術大师王子平,佟忠义也常常在体育宫作精彩表演。

1958年 Shanghai City Wushu Competition had nearly two hundred participants, including men and women of all ages. I remember my father, Fang Ruichun, signed me up for the competition without telling me much about it. At that time, I was in junior high school at Datong Middle School and spent my free time learning martial arts at the Jing Wu Sports Association under the guidance of three masters: Wang Fenggang, Bao Xiuyong, and Sun Runcheng.

Although I had only been practicing for a few months and knew only a few routines from "Shaolin Boxing" and "Three Light Swords," I decided to participate in both events. Before each match, there were excellent athletes like Li Fumei who made me nervous but also inspired me to do my best.

The competition was divided into three groups: adult long fist group, youth long fist group, and Tai Chi group. Each group had men and women competing together for rankings. My memory is still vivid - Chen Junchen's outstanding performance in "Dispersed Fist" earned him a place in the Shanghai Wushu Team later on.

The list below shows some of the winners:

Long Fist Adult Group

1st Place - Mei Huazhang (9.30) / 2nd Place - Cai Hongxiang (9.20) / 3rd Place - Hu Hanping (8.96)

Long Fist Youth Group

1st Place - Zhang Haifeng (9.44) / 2nd Place - Yang Yongyu (9.36) / 3rd Place - Ma Yuanfu (9.24)

Tai Chi Group

1st Place - Yang Yongyu (9/10)


This experience opened my eyes to the world of martial arts; those athletes became role models for me as well as idols whose skills left an indelible impression on me.

I cherish this old scorebook not just because it holds memories but also serves as a reminder of how far we've come since then.


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标签: 武林人物
