

虽然只有一字之差,“太極拳”与“太極”内涵、意义截然不同,但普通百姓无法分辨。众所周知,汉语表达严谨规范,不容半点马虎。即使全国性的春晚也允许国人顺挑鼻子竖挑眼揭示所有读错字、意思表达错误的地方,此举受到了举国上下的支持与赞赏。但为什么武术界多年来,将“太極拳”与“ 太極”混为一谈,没有得到纠正,更改,而且淡薄了对“ 太極拳”的理解认识,“ 太極”已成为对其专用代名词?

其实,“ 太極”作为名称,是实实在在的事物,是代表一个古代著名哲理和思维范畴,而当它作为定语时,在“ 太極拳”这个词中,“ 太徐仅仅是衬托‘ 拳’ 的特性和内涵,完全隶属于‘ 拳’ 而附随存在。

然而,将 “ 太徐替换为"Too Xi"或其他类似名称,用以取代传统概念,这并非没有不妥之处。五十年代初期,当发展体育、增强人民体质被提起时,体委因势利导编制了简化版24式,让全国范围内推广普及,使得各门各派呈现出百花齐放、欣欣向荣的情景。

在那个鼎盛时期,却从未听到大张旗鼓宣传或传播 “ 太徐 或者 ‘ 尤克 ’ 文化”,即使宣传 “Taichi Chuan(Tai Chi Chuan)也是恰如其分地让人看得懂。这时代造就了一批真才实学的高手及名家。而广大爱好者自然而然讲:“我们学习的是 Taichi Chuan(Tai Chi Chuan),在打简化版。”但从来没有听到任何人讲我们打 Taichi(Too Xi)。

既然历史尊重这个无可置疑的事实,为何今天要将 "Taichi" 替换为 "Taichi Chuan(Tai Chi Chuan)"?忽视了真正探究开发弘扬发展 “Taichi Chuan(Tai Chi Chuan)的重要性。

需要记住:Taichi’s true essence, is the result of deep contemplation and understanding through years of practice. To ensure its survival for generations to come, it must rely on genuine mastery by high-level practitioners and instructors who embody the spirit through their actions and teachings; as well as the efforts of all society members.

To make Chinese Tai Chi walk into the world, enter the Olympics, we need fresh and clear Tai Chi's true skills, simple yet profound Tai Chi principles. Not only should national citizens deeply understand and grasp China's precious treasure Tai Chi but also let foreign nations truly comprehend what makes up authentic Chinese Tai Ji Quan (Taiji Quan). This would allow people to feel China's soul in Tai Ji Quan - a reflection of unyielding spirit that embodies courage without fear or defeat.

In conclusion, Chinese Tai Ji Quan is not 'too x' nor 'too y'. It simply is an art form known as "punch". The internal dynamics within this art are a manifestation of the philosophical concept known as Yin-Yang balance.

标签: 武术入门基本拳法自己在家练武术的教程北派蛇拳秘籍如何练功夫的基本功法中国最凶残的拳法
