



bridge and horse, known as the five elements of the inner and outer forms of Hong family boxing. The inner five are essential for one's physical cultivation, while the outer five are techniques used in applying the art.

Inner Five

The inner five refer to Jing (精), Li (力), Gu (骨), Qi (气), and Shen (神). These interrelated elements form the foundation of one's body cultivation and martial arts practice. They correspond to dragon, tiger, leopard, snake, and crane respectively.

(1) Jing

Jing is considered the core element among the five. It encompasses both pre-natal energy inherited from parents and post-natal energy derived from food intake. A balance between these two energies ensures that one's body is nourished internally. Practitioners must cultivate their Jing through exercises such as slow movements like those found in zhan zhuang or standing meditation.

(2) Li

Li refers to strength which originates from tendons and bones. A strong physique with sturdy bones provides a solid foundation for powerful movements. Practitioners should first relax their muscles before cultivating strength by building up their bone structure.

Outer Five

These represent various techniques used in practicing Hong family boxing:

(3) Bridge Hand

Bridge hand involves using both hands together to create a stable base while moving around opponents or absorbing incoming attacks.

(4) Horse Step

Horse step refers to quick footwork that allows practitioners to maneuver effectively during combat situations.

(5) Single Whip

Single whip denotes a single-handed technique often used when facing an opponent who attempts multiple simultaneous attacks.

(6) Embrace Tiger Return To Mountain

This term signifies embracing an opponent with both arms while simultaneously returning back into a defensive position like mountain stance.

(7) Golden Rooster Stands On One Leg

This move symbolizes maintaining balance on one leg while keeping alert for potential threats around you.

Each movement within Hong family boxing serves specific purposes depending on its application during actual combat scenarios or training sessions for personal development."

标签: 武林人物
