



bridge law, includes the external five essentials of the art. The internal and external five essentials of Hong family boxing are a fundamental principle for martial artists to cultivate their body and mind, as well as an essential tool for the practice of boxing.

Internal Five Essentials

The internal five essentials include Jing (essence), Li (energy), Gu (bone), Qi (breath), and Shen (spirit). These elements are interconnected and form the foundation for both personal cultivation and martial arts practice. They correspond to the five outer forms or fist techniques: dragon, tiger, leopard, snake, and phoenix.

(1) Jing

Jing is considered the core of the internal five essentials. It is responsible for maintaining overall health and vitality. A sufficient amount of Jing ensures that one's spirit remains complete; conversely, a complete spirit leads to abundant energy. Additionally, Jing interacts with bone marrow to create strength; when Jin is insufficiently replenished by consuming water or food nutrients through digestive processes in organs like liver or spleen before being absorbed into muscles via blood circulation system so that muscle tissues become strong enough not only defend against attacks but also perform movements efficiently.

In this context it refers back to ancient Chinese medical principles where each organ has its own function according to yin yang theory i.e., organs work together harmoniously maintaining balance between them while keeping equilibrium within individual components such as kidney- Liver relationship etcetera which contributes towards overall wellbeing including muscular power development through nourishing these vital parts effectively throughout life-span cycle from birth till death without any interruptions at all times!

标签: 武林人物
