




两足并步站立,两臂下垂,右手握 棒子左手附于大腿外侧目视前方(图1,图2)。



②Right hand sweepingly leading the rod from the body's right side to continue up and over, striking forward; simultaneously take a step forward with the right foot, toe touching the ground forming a right virtual step (Figure 6).

Key points: The hands form a yin grip, flipping and covering smoothly. The steps are coordinated.

Usage: This is one of the typical techniques for using both ends of the rod. One end strikes while the other flips and covers in turn, moving freely.


Right foot steps sideways to form a right bow step; simultaneously both hands hold the rod with palms facing inward and downwardly sweeping it from left to right as if blocking (Figure 7).

Key points: Bowing down with feet should be straightened out. Both hands gripping should be flexible.

Usage: Following on from above technique.


Right leg lifts knee slightly to stand independently; meanwhile both hands sink into holding downwardly sweeping at lower sides towards back (Figure 8).

Key points: Independent legs should be slightly bent. Sweeping downwards should be light.

Usage: When an enemy attacks your lower abdomen with their weapon or fist.


Left foot takes a forward step forming a left bow step; simultaneously two hands holding downwardly sweeping upwards then forwards as if flipping over (Figure 9).

Key points: Flicking downwards by sliding rods outwards for sudden impact.

Usage: After defending against an opponent's weapon or fist strike.


①Weight shifts onto right leg forming a bow stance while both hands holding downwardly push at lateral side corners respectively (Figures 10 &&&tq=0).

②Weight shifts onto left leg forming another bow stance while both hands use left ends pushing laterally outward (Figures 11 &12).

Key points: Pushing sideways when shifting weight between arms must first slide sticks before sticking them outwards for greater impact.



标签: 武林人物
