29.马步后梭枪:将gun 身回收后拉时,双手成活把,同时滑把后梭,使得gun 把向后冲出约六、七寸,以劲力向後力达gun 之之后端。眼视gun 身。
30.弓步挑枪:紧接上式,将右脚提膝上步成右弓步,同时调整方向,让gun 调头。左手下压,而右手则上挑gun 成右弓步挑-gun 式。目视前挑之把。
31.独立扣-gun: 接着这个动作,从左转身成独立状态,并且同时扣-gun.
32 中平-gun: 接着这个动作,上移重心和落下左脚成为一根独立的姿势,其中-guns 也是如此进行中间圈子操作(见图48)。然后继续保持这一个状态并且移动重心到正中间位置,然后再次回到独立的姿势并且-guns 伸展出来以达到最长点(见图49)。
33 两-step 内圈-gun: 就是相反的内圈和外圈交替绕-guns 的过程。在完成第一轮内圈后的第二个半旋转的时候,用两只胳膊来做顺时针或逆时针方向绕-guns 一整圆(见图50)。然后持续进行动作,并让身体稍微往前的同时用双足形成交叉状,这样就可以再次执行一次内圈绕-guns (见图51),要求行动连续而圆润展示技巧效果。此种操作会有45度偏斜至左侧前方方向进行操作要求要连贯流畅表现技术效果。
34 三-step 外圈-gun: 继续执行先前的第二个半旋转环节,在完成这一过程以后,再增加第三个半旋转环节使得总共三次完整循环 (-gns) 状态变换一次全体各部分为圆形运动进程(见图52,53,54)。每一个半旋转都是单独的一趟,所以需要保证每一趟都能以连贯性和流畅性方式展现技艺效果,要确保整个过程中的 -gns 在周围不断循环使用该技术方法进行演示表演展示给观众看待理解其意境与深刻含义感受其艺术魅力美学特质等因素考虑在内作为人文社群交流活动举办场合适宜的情景背景环境设定应呈现自然优雅情趣风格元素融入其中这样一种特殊感觉产生了强烈吸引力的美丽画面对人们造成心理影响与情感共鸣体验也能从中获得无尽乐趣娱乐享受及精神上的慰藉安慰通过这些具体描述来帮助人们更好地理解如何去练习这些武术招式以达到完善效率提高技能水平提升个人实战能力提升自己的生命质量等方面目标结果实现成功达标
35 虚step 拦Gun: 保持虚step 不变的情况下,与此同时双臂拿住_gun_,重心轻微降低_gun_'s tip slightly forward and into a vertical position (see Fig55). Meanwhile, the body's center of gravity is lowered slightly as the gun is thrust forward in a vertical direction to form a virtual step block stance (see Fig56).
36 虚Step 拦Gun : 将重心略微抬起_gun_'s tip back to its original position while simultaneously bringing it back towards you with both hands forming a blocking stance for the gun (see Fig57). Eyes gaze at the front lower part of the gun.
37 歇Step 扎Gun : Lowering body's center of gravity while keeping hands in an inner circle formation resembling a virtual step grab stance (Fig58), then pause momentarily before lifting right foot up and close to left foot forming an 'X' shape while extending gun out horizontally but slightly upwards, eyes gazing ahead (Fig59).
38 马Step 扎Gun : Also known as single-hand divided guns , lift upper body and retrieve guns; right foot steps forward inwardly into horseback stance, left hand moves upward with palms facing outward towards left side dividing guns , right hand holds onto guns moving them toward right side for shooting action completing this style by standing in horseback posture looking straight ahead at something off to your right side(see Figure60)
39 上Right 插Foot 拦 Gun : Begin by shifting weight forward from previous pose so that your feet are closer together than they were before; pull left leg up high stepping over it with your other leg ending up on top like you're sitting down on something flat or soft which makes it easy for me to see how this can be done without falling over because there isn't anything else between my legs except maybe some air but I won't fall because I've got good balance so now let's say we have finished doing all these steps just like before now let us try doing another one called "middle plane" where we stand still holding our weapon tightly against our bodies making sure not to drop it even if someone pushes us really hard because we are strong enough not too hurt ourselves nor anyone else around us either since we know what must always happen next time after that will come more exercises which might make people feel tired faster than usual due mainly caused by lack sleep during last few days spent working long hours every day without taking any breaks until finally getting home late evening feeling extremely exhausted wanting nothing more than going straight bed immediately instead waiting around here talking about stuff nobody cares about anymore anyway...