29.马步后梭枪:将gun身体回收时,双手并拢成活把的形态,同时滑动把柄使其后梭至稍微六到七寸处,用力传递至gun身体的末端,以目视gun 身体为准。
30.弓步挑枪:紧接在后的式样中,先是以右脚提膝进行一步变换成右弓步,同时调整gun调头方向,使得左手低压、右手高挑gun 为正面挑起进入右弓步挑-gun-式(见图46)。目光应集中在即将被挑起的手把部位。
32、中平-gun-: 与前者相似,但这一次是在拿-gun-状态中继续执行,并且重心进一步移动至front, 左脚落地成left 弓-step-, 同时guns被深入扎出并释放力量从guns尖端发射出去 (see figure 49).
33,两steps内圈-gun-: 这里的内圈和外圈相反,与顺时针或逆时针绕gung 进行旋转运动。在完成第二个step之后重新回到right 弓-step-, 并通过对gung 进行一次内圈旋转约1 圈 (see figure 50); 接着再次循环执行该action, 在此过程中重心逐渐移动至right 的位置,而left 脚则向back 逆退回到right 弓-step-. 在这一过程中继续保持对gung 的inner circle rotation movement (see Figure 51). This two steps inner circle gun movement is directed at a45 degree angle to the left side and front.
34、三steps外圈-gun-: 继续之前的action,在first step 中进行outer circle gun movement with left foot as pivot point(see figure52), 然后在second step 中用Right foot盖住left foot形成outer circle gun movement with right foot as pivot point(see figure53), 最后third step 中点状虚化left虚step 并进行outer circle gun movement with left virtual foot as pivot point(see Figure54). 每一步都围绕一个圆形轨迹,每三歩完成一完整圆周要求连续性和圆润度来表现out-circle技巧.
35、虚step扎-gun-: 保持Left 虚step 不变的情况下,将双hands 向downward and inward pull gung into grasping position (See Fig55);同时降低重心,让Gun尖向forward thrusting outwards, forming virtual step push Gun posture (See Fig56).
36、虚step拦-gun-: 将重心轻微提升,当Guns 回抽之际与之同步展开两个Hands 拦截 Guns,使眼睛聚焦于Gun 尖前的下方区域(See Fig57).
37、歇step扎-gun:- 重量倾斜下来,对Guns 进行inward circular motion that resembles a grasping action for virtual stepping posture (See fig58);然后停顿不久,由于需要准备未来的动作,所以会暂停一下,然后抬起Right Foot 来靠近Left Foot 形成了休息posture while simultaneously pushing forward the Gun so that its body forms a horizontal line slightly tilted upwards towards the end of the Gun’s tip; eyes focus on this area.
38、マステップ-zha-qiang:- 又称为单hand分Gun:, 上升带走weight, 收回Gun; 右Foot 上跨略呈内部形式 whereas Left Hand slides down towards Front; Right Hand holds onto Gun alone in preparation for shooting it towards Right side while keeping both hands in a horizontal plane and focusing on an area ahead of you to your right side's front region
39., upper-right插Step-dabanqiang,- After completing previous action move weight forward by lifting up Left Foot , then place it back down before inserting Right Foot behind it forming an Upper-right Insert Step . At same time execute Left Hand palm toward Front to catch hold of handle ; Once done continue moving Forward after placing weight firmly on Lowered Left Foot , perform outer Circle around Gun using both hands but facing opposite direction compared to Inner Circle previously executed
40., Middle-planaqiang,- Repeat actions from earlier where double hand grip is maintained & repositioning takes place
41., Gaisep-daizhaqiang,- After pulling back guns rear section lift up Left leg backward until reaching proper position then lower it down upon landing followed by insertion of Right leg backward resulting in formation of Cross-step stance while executing outer Circular motion around Guns handle seen in Figure63
42., Tiexi-nagun,- Turn body slightly clockwise and lift up Right leg together with simultaneous downward circular motion around Guns handle through use of both hands ending at Tiexi-nagun pose seen in Figure64
43., Yaboushizaqiang,- Perform Zigzagging walk-like pattern or turning roundabout during which shoot bullet or throw object like arrow from weapon held in one's hand
44,, Refaceyiqianyuanduochuangguan,- Perform reverse turn-around action similar to initial movements starting from last completed stance returning back along original path
45,, Maibushizhi,: Maintain steady grip over weapon allowing smooth handling throughout entire sequence