1、练习方法:无论那只脚在前都可以,但现以右脚在前为例(图48):双hands下垂站定,一心相对屈肘,将hands挑至耳际,再随挑hand仰身提起(图49, 50)。
1、高飞method: 双feet左右打开适度,然后弯腰两hand抄抱(图53),之后再将hands托至头顶,上体蹲坐(graph54)。
2、高usage method: enemy从背后搂抱时,要先以arm 打enemy的小腹并趁势低腰 (graph55)。然后双hans 抄起enemy's足跟,上体迅速低坐压迫其膝关节区域 (Graph56)。
要领: arm 打、中折和底座动作虽有先后,但力求气贯全通。
1、高practice method: 上left 弓步,以right hand 斜劈到downward,同时left hand 停于right elbow 下方做保护 (Graph57). 随劈 提up right knee崩foot wrist 以ankle点出勾踢 (Graph58), Right foot 向front fall step, Right hand 随fall step 继续downward劈 (Graph59).
2、高application method: 上left step 以Right hand 拦截 Enemy’s wrist, Left hand 在胸前做保护 (Graph60), 抓住时机 提up right knee with ankle点击 Enemy’s 右big leg inner side (Graph61). 当Right foot 落地时 Hand 即劈 Enemy neck area(Graph62).
要领: Hands and feet must be coordinated tightly. The action should be fast, accurate in terms of hands and legs.
1 高exercise method: Right leg bend into an independent bow stance. Left Hand moves from above down to strike at the back of the left hip. Right Hand moves from the outer side of the left Hand up to move towards the right upper corner. Leg follows movement and lifts left knee towards right for a kicking check on the leg. Before landing on both feet, jump up again with a kick check on enemy's right big leg using only one foot.
Then immediately bring your body back to lift your left knee for a kicking check on enemy's own right big leg using only one foot while moving your hands as if they are going up towards enemy's forehead but actually move them sideways slightly upwards and then look back over your shoulder at your own right Hand.
Usage Method:
When you parry their incoming punch or grab their wrist with your own fist facing downwards like in graph 65, use this opportunity to make a quick changeover by lifting up with both arms striking downwards simultaneously towards each other so that they can reach either side of their head respectively before making another roundhouse kick using just one foot against their exposed ankle.
If they try to retreat backward after being hit by my roundhouse kick as shown in graph 67,
then I will quickly adjust my posture so that I am standing upright once more before executing another roundhouse kick aimed directly at their exposed ankle as illustrated in Graph68.
Important Point:
This is known as "chain kicking" technique where no matter whether it is practice or application, every single second kick must achieve a standard level where it rises high enough off the ground.
1 高training exercise
Stand in horse-riding stance position holding arms straight outwards then cross arms over chest area moving shoulders first upward then downward repeatedly faster than ever before
Usage Method
When attacked from behind by an opponent who grabs onto you around waist region pull away sharply causing separation between attacker and yourself while performing series of alternating shoulder movements trying to shake off attacker
Key point
Shoulders need rapid alternation between rising upwardly & falling downwardly without pause; try not keep still when shaking off attacker